Board Meeting Comments

Meeting 20240815

Meeting 20240815

2-B1: Minutes
William Smith
08/15 05:21pm
I taught in EBR for 20 years. I have seen waste that should make any taxpayer ill. I have heard the statement "We need to find something to spend this money on before we lose it" far too many times. Tighten your belts. Be responsible.

2-I1: Budget Revision-Child Nutrition
Jonah Brown
08/15 12:12pm
As you consider the budget please be mindful how this department impacts children. For years staff and students have advised that breakfast and lunch quality has demised and is often inedible, despite our amazing cafeteria staff. Go to any high school, they will tell you improve the food and you will see improvements in learning and behaviors. There is clearly no shortage of funds, but how many of the dollars actually turned into consumed food? The children are still hungry and yet there is plenty of money. Please hold this department accountable for making high quality, attravive food options so our children can thrive.