Meeting 20231019
G1-Professional Services Contract
Fairleigh Jackson
10/19 05:27pm
I am opposed to this item as it does not satisfy caps policy EH
G9-Contract: Ethics
Cathy Carmichael
10/18 09:44am
School Board Members:
Make an amendment to this agenda item.
Please **match the $30,000** you plan to give to the Langston Galloway Foundation/ETHICS and give it to EBR Schools Physical Education/Athletics Departments.
You can give 60 schools $500 each ($500 x 60 = $30,000). One basketball is $15. That money would go a long way and SERVE a lot of kids.
Schools are in need of basketballs, footballs, nets for badminton, repairs of bleachers etc....
You have 31,800 other students in the district **who need help with their physical activity.** What are you doing to help them? Let's walk the walk.
H1-ITEP Application: Exxon Mobil
Tara Doyle
10/18 08:01am
I am against the tax exemption for Exxon. Please vote NO on the exemption. Our schools need this money way more than a corporation does. Please put the needs of our students first.
Jeanie Frederic
10/18 08:03am
My family is opposed to this exemption
Amanda Bureau
10/18 08:04am
I am opposed to this exemption! Our school system needs this money for so many reasons. The Exxon application doesn't bring anything of value to EBR. The money they don't want to pay is a drop in the bucket for this corporation, yet would have a huge impact on the EBR school system. We need reliable transportation, more teachers and staff, equitable salaries, and so many other things. ITEPs in general, and specifically this application, rob our community of a better future.
Allison Scardino
10/18 08:05am
I am opposed to the Exxon tax exemption. Our public school is one of the top ranked and is relying on Parent donations and PTO fundraising to provide necessary items for learning. I would like to know the number of Exxon executives who are living in EBR and contributing to the economy that is granting them this exemption. Are they so confident that these schools don’t need their tax dollars that they are sending their own children there? Are they willing to donate the equivalent of their tax break directly to the schools?
Elizabeth Akur
10/18 08:14am
I am opposed to the ITEP exemption. We are currently in an employee pay crisis. From bus drivers up to teachers. Why would anyone think an exemption is a good idea? Exxon is currently worth $441.43 BILLION. I think $3.7 million is a drop in the bucket. We don’t need fluff donations from these companies, they need to pay their taxes so we can fully invest where it’s needed.
Ashley Tate
10/18 08:21am
Agency/Org: Parent of two public school students.
I am against this ITEP application. We will never be at the forefront or competitive with anything if we keep funneling dollars from the public school system. My kid already has to share a teacher and have less instruction time in a subject because the EBR school system can’t hire enough teachers. And my kid is one of the lucky ones. Situations are more dire in other schools and classrooms across EBR.
Marcelle M DeSoto
10/18 08:31am
Vote no! Of all people, companies, organizations, Exxon can afford to pay taxes!!! Record profits recently!
Claire Delaune
10/18 08:39am
I am opposed to this exemption. The school system will already be short on funds once the COVID relief money runs out. Under the "Duties of the Board Members" on the EBRPSS website it says, "To vote and act in the School Board meetings impartially for the good of the whole school district." What would be good for the whole school district is to oppose this exemption and collect the money that is rightly ours.
I would also like to request that the board acknowledges the “in favor” and “opposed” tally publicly. Thank you.
Ereene Barry
10/18 08:46am
I am opposed to this exemption! Please stop taking money away from our schools. I think it has been made especially clear these past few months that we need it for paying employees what they deserve and providing the services our students do desperately need. Thank you.
Lindsey Litchfield
10/18 08:46am
I oppose this exemption. Please listen to the people you’re (elected to be) representing. We can’t fund essential positions and raises to pay livable wages so how can we consider giving away the money when we can’t afford our basic needs in our schools?!
Randa Lopez Morgan
10/18 08:56am
I am against this. Taxes fund our schools. We need them. Exxon can MORE THAN afford their share of taxes. They pay them in other states. Stop letting them walk all over us.
Tyne Bankester
10/18 09:00am
I am opposed to this exemption. It has become painfully clear that we cannot manage the money we currently have and we have issues planning for the long term. We don't pay people livable wages. We (apparently) can't afford proper sports gear for students. We can't afford playgrounds for our littlest learners. We are depending on parents to organize transportation sites for students. Staff are getting letters saying that their positions will not be funded next year because they were paid with ESSR dollars. I'm afraid to even ask which ESSR-funded programs will also be cut. We are literally at the edge of a fiscal cliff and we have no idea how deep the fall will be. We cannot afford in this season to grant this exemption. Our school system desperately needs and deserves 100% of the property taxes owed to it. We cannot educate the work forces of tomorrow for these "community partners" if we allow the schooling system to crumble today. Please, vote no until we get this house in order
Stuart Irvine
10/18 09:03am
Vote “No” on Exxons ‘ ITEP application. If you don’t, we will never support a tax renewal for public schools.
Jackie Heber
10/18 09:16am
I do not support this exemption. According to the application, there will be no new jobs created. The gasoline they manufacture doesn't even stay in the state. The schools can use the tax money much better than ExxonMobil ever can. The damage ExxonMobil does to the surrounding community is reason enough to deny the exemption. There will be no benefit to the surrounding community or Baton Rouge at all.
It has been proven time and again that trickle down economics do not work and only further exacerbates income inequalities, does not improve incomes, nor does it boost local economies.
ExxonMobil will not be harmed or suffer for denying the exemption, but the local community and school will without the tax money.
Please read this recent study and its citations and follow the science:
Charles “Carlos” Jean Jr
10/18 09:31am
I strongly oppose granting Exxon Mobil a tax break. They have substantial resources and well-devised strategies to mitigate the impact of their tax bill. In contrast, average citizens and employees of the East Baton Rouge School System face financial constraints. We struggle to fund essential services like bus drivers, bus maintenance, and fair teacher salaries. Providing million-dollar tax breaks in such circumstances appears thoughtless and inconsiderate, especially given the challenges of inflation and economic factors. I urge you to think not only with your minds but also with your hearts. Let's prioritize the needs of the people we serve, rather than favoring corporations like Exxon. Thank you for considering this perspective.
Charles "Carlos" Jean, Jr.
Concerned Citizen
Heidi Burns
10/18 09:31am
I oppose the tax exemption for Exxon. I am pro business and pro economic development. It is very difficult to attract talent here because of the condition of our public schools. We need to invest every possible resource in our schools to compete with other areas of the country.
10/18 09:34am
Why would we give millions of dollars in tax breaks to Exxon? Our schools are in a budget crisis, and Exxon is a trillion dollar company.
Tax them and fund our schools.
Lance Porter
10/18 09:50am
Please deny this tax exemption to the richest corporation in the world and instead support our children.
Peter moore
10/18 09:52am
Our schools need money! Exxon has record profits and can afford to pay. Please do not allow them this tax break. People over profits!
Cathy Carmichael - EBR School Board District 7
10/18 09:56am
School Board Members:
Make History. Vote NO on this application.
The School System you manage is suffering.
You were elected to take care of the School System--NOT the business community.
1) Put your students, teachers, bus drivers and staff members first.
2) Pull up the EBR Facilities Reports. The buildings your manage need repairs and care. HVAC systems need updating. Some buildings are crumbling.
**Be the change you want to see.** Make your community proud. Students Before Corporate Handouts. VOTE NO!
Jennifer Harding
10/18 09:56am
I am opposed to this exemption and urge the board to vote NO. Please do not to prioritize tax breaks for a multinational corporation with a massive profit margin over the needs of our children. Our school district is in a fiscal free fall, we need every dollar we can get. Please do what is right and best for our district, not simply what is politically expedient.
Y'Mine McClanahan
10/18 09:56am
Agency/Org: Baton Rouge Branch NAACP
Against. This takes away funding from our students and teachers.
Jessica Potts
10/18 10:16am
You cannot destroy our environment, food, and water, therefore the taxes need to increase not decrease.
Courtney Holden
10/18 10:31am
Agency/Org: The Group
Speaking as a member of Agency/Organization only
With all of the issues our school system has dealt with this year and for many years, it is despicable and disrespectful that we would even consider giving an oil company a tax break of any kind. Do better for our educators and our children.
10/18 10:34am
City needs taxes, don’t give Exon a tax break! Let’s try to get Louisiana to not rank so low in education instead!
Killian Dumont
10/18 10:42am
Exxon Mobil has a responsibility to help fund the education of this city’s children, especially as their refinery puts cancer-causing chemicals into the air and soil, contributing to the cancer alley phenomenon. As one of the state’s biggest polluters, Exxon has a moral responsibility to give back to the community in whatever ways it can, including by paying taxes to the school system.
Ashley Ballard
10/18 10:42am
I am opposed to this exemption. Exxon is more than capable of paying their fair share of taxes. Our kids and our schools do not deserve to be adversely affected by corporations trying to skirt the system. You took an oath as a board member to act in the best interest of our students. Please do what is right.
Rebecca W Pittman
10/18 10:46am
Agency/Org: Taxpayer and parent of two EBRPSS students
I am opposed to this tax exemption.
Record profits for Exxon and chronic underfunding of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Systems are clear reasons.
According to Exxon, , Full-year 2022 earnings were $55.7 billion compared with $23.0 billion in 2021, an increase of $32.7 billion.
EBRPSS needs that money and large corporations, like Exxon, can afford to pay their share of taxes.
Jonathan Jefferson
10/18 10:50am
Our schools are underfunded and our educators are underpaid. Every available tax dollar should be directed to our children’s education. Please reject this exemption.
Tyler walker
10/18 10:53am
I do not support this industrial tax exemption
Nicole Buggs Hazey
10/18 10:56am
I vehemently oppose a tax exemption in favor of Exxon. One of the most significant detriments to our local education system is it budget. To allow for a tax exemption in favor of a business that would deprive the education budget of millions of dollars only serves to increase that detriment. It is imperative that the board not only recognize and acknowledge, publicly the opinion comments of those with an interest in the issue, but also to provide substantive comment regarding how the board would effect making up those funds, and by what method. To date, we have heard no alternative for recovering or obtaining a substitute for the intended loss of such funds. In a time where qualified teachers are in the midst of a mass exodus from the profession, and those who remain are unable to receive adequate pay, relinquishing millions that could help mitigate those issues would be a mistake.
Mamie Broadhurst
10/18 11:16am
I vehemently oppose the tax exemption proposed. My child is in the public school system, and there is a desperate need for more finding. We cannot afford to let a multi-million dollar industry avoid being a good corporate citizen, especially when the amount required from them is so small in comparison to their profits.
Charlotte Tryforos
10/18 11:28am
I am strongly opposed to ITEP exemption. Our public schools are in a state of crisis thanks to decades of systemic disinvestment. Any economic development gained by exempting industry is offset by the talented workers who choose not to move here because of the schools, our kids who will never have the opportunities they deserve, and the brilliant young people who move away as soon as they’re able to raise their own families somewhere else. If we want to move forward as a community, we have to be willing to invest in our public schools.
Andrew Barry
10/18 11:31am
I oppose this exemption.
Pat Carley
10/18 11:36am
I oppose giving Exxon a tax break. Our schools need support!
Joshua Nee
10/18 11:37am
I vehemently oppose this and all exemptions for Exxon mobile. Protecting resources for our public school system should be a priority. In the face of record profits, coddling Exxon to the detriment of our state’s children who need those resources most is shameful.
Adam St Pierre
10/18 11:38am
I oppose this exemption! Our schools are already underfunded and this year has been so chaotic.
Our school system needs money! Not ExxonMobil
Lura Lisa Waggoner Wall
10/18 11:39am
Agency/Org: Unity Baton Rouge
I am opposed to the motion. Please keep these taxes to benefit of the children with pay raises to the school bus drivers and teachers.
Emily Lind
10/18 11:41am
I’m opposed to the ITEP for Exxon.
David F Lindenfeld
10/18 11:42am
Agency/Org: Together Baton Rouge
I am in opposition to this ITEP request. Given the fiscal crisis that the School Board is facing in not being able to deliver sustainable bus service, etc., taking money away from its operating budget is moving in the wrong direction.
Joseph Scardino
10/18 12:09pm
I am against an Exxon tax credit. Our schools are in dire need of all the funds available to them. Exxon’s reported profits for 2022 were $55.7 billion. With a 240% increase over 2021. It’s blatantly obvious Exxon doesn’t need a tax break on a measly $3.5 million. PLEASE PUT THAT MONEY INTO OUR CHILDRENS EDUCATION.
Mario Moya
10/18 12:13pm
Tax Exxonmobile, oppose their bill.
Ana Nolan
10/18 12:33pm
I strongly oppose granting Exxon Mobil's exemption. School board members, I should not have to remind you that your obligation is to the children of EBR parish and not the Baton Rouge economy at large. The children of our parish should not fund Exxon's tax break. If you want LA to prosper, invest in education, not corporate welfare. Oh, and listen to your constituents, who overwhelming oppose this exemption as you can see from browsing the public comments. You do not know better than your constituents. Stop voting like you do.
Melody Dickson
10/18 12:34pm
Agency/Org: Mayfair Lab/ Baton Rouge High
I am opposed to ExxonMobil’s property tax exemption request. Louisiana allows a much greater percentage property tax exemption than any other state and our public services, especially schools, suffer for it. EBR schools infrastructure, transportation and teacher salaries are woefully inadequate and must be better funded. I also request that the board public report the number of comments in favor of or opposed to this ITEP. Please act as our representatives and take into account public comment, unlike the recent appointment of the new District 8 board member.
Jaime Albritton
10/18 12:43pm
I am opposed to this exemption.
Rebecca Marchiafava
10/18 12:43pm
As a former teacher, I ask that the Board NOT approve Exxon’s tax exemption request. Our school system is experiencing a budget crisis and should not be granting industry such exemptions. I request that the school board deny Exxon’s request and instead invest this money in our children.
Davis C. Hotard
10/18 12:47pm
Exxon's gross profit for the twelve months ending June 30, 2023 was $104.159 Billion. Not Million. Billion.
Exxon is seeking another exemption, this one amounting to $8.6 million over the next 10 years, meaning $860,000 a year. That amounts to 0.00000826% of Exxon's profit. Exxon can certainly do without that money. But how many salaries could that fun for EBRPSS? How many new buses? How many bus driver salaries?
Exxon already has 30 exemptions that amount to $5.9 million in 2023. That equals 0.0000566% of Exxon's profits. With this new exemption, Exxon will be taking $6 MILLION a year out of the EBRPSS pockets - money which we all know we can't afford to lose. I implore you do vote NO on this item.
Thank you.
Rebecca Lee Plaisance
10/18 12:54pm
This tax exemption would go towards Exxon Mobil’s Innovation Suite for *potential* economic investment projects that are in no way guaranteed to generate the future dollars that Exxon Mobil claims they could. The EBRP School System should instead keep that tax revenue to address current fiscal issues with the schools. If we do not commit to improving our local schools now, our students will have few local opportunities for a career other than working at Exxon Mobil, who stands to benefit either way. It’s better to keep the existing tax revenue from Exxon Mobil in our schools instead of using that much-needed money in a future investment with no guarantees.
Jillian Raxsdale
10/18 01:14pm
Agency/Org: Parent and Concerned Citizen
I do not support tax credits in favor of ExxonMobil which may negatively impact East Baton Rouge Parish schools.
I understand that some tax credits may be negotiated in order to bolster East Baton Rouge Parish's relationship with ExxonMobil.
However, any tax credits which would pull funding away from the school district should not be considered.
Quinn Brown
10/18 01:20pm
Exxon should pay their taxes. And while we are discussing Exxon, they need to stop taking our drinking water too.
Melissa ledoux
10/18 01:51pm
I do not support this tax cut for a big business!
Erin Staub
10/18 01:52pm
Agency/Org: The Group & Together Baton Rouge, also IATSE 478 Film Union
I very much oppose this tax break. Our schools need this money much more than Exxon needs the tax break. Please do not allow this.
Erin Staub
Baton Rouge, LA resident
Mary Andries
10/18 02:29pm
Our students are suffering and our teachers are paying out of pocket for the bare necessities to keep their classrooms functional. Giving Exxon a tax break is doing NOTHING for the community, but it’s making a couple of Exxon bigwigs a lot of money. If our underpaid teachers have to pay income tax, then mega corporations should be held to the same standards.
Christine Castillo
10/18 02:31pm
The board has a responsibility to our children to reject the property tax exemption of ExxonMobile.
Exxon cites numerous new projects as reasoning for their tax exemption but none of the projects are currently guaranteed to be added to their baton rouge facility. In 2022 Exxon mobile made $56 billion in profits (that's $6.3 million per hour) not only a record breaker for their own company but for the western oil industry as a whole.
Meanwhile, we arent paying our bus drivers enough to live, their buses are in embarrassing states of disrepair with most having no AC driving in temperatures over 100F during part of the school year . Programs essential for our children's growth emotionally, mentally, and physically are being cut in schools due to lack of funding and our teachers aren't even guaranteed an annual cost of living pay increase. We ask our school employees to keep our kids safe, happy, and healthy but we don't do the same for them
Ronald Perritt
10/18 02:33pm
I am opposed to giving any and all tax exemptions which reduce the resources needed to maintain and improve our public schools. The PRIMARY responsibility of the school board is education, not economic development. Good public schools naturally make our community more attractive to businesses. Giving away money that could be used to enhance our schools hurts our children and discourages businesses from investing in our community.
Jerry P Draayer
10/18 02:48pm
Agency/Org: LSU
Sarai Piazza
10/18 03:16pm
I oppose the ITEP exemption. EBRPSS needs the money to pay staff.
Erin Castillo
10/18 03:18pm
I am writing you today to voice my opposition to Exxon Mobil's request to have their property taxes deferred or forgiven.
For a company that made 54 BILLION dollars last year to request that they not have to pay money that would go to schools in Louisiana, a state that ranks 46th in education in the country, is unconscionable and ridiculous.
On top of this, we are being asked to trade definites for maybes. We would DEFINITELY need to hold up our end of the bargain on waiving their taxes, but their offer is for the possibility of new jobs, the perhaps of some new projects, and the maybe of future taxes from them.
If Exxon cared about the people of this state instead of simply seeking the cheapest way for them to make a dollar, they would pay their taxes. They would invest in ways to help fix cancer alley and make it so that the people living in that area aren't at a 95% greater risk of cancer than everywhere else. And they would invest in the community. Pay your bills, Exxon.
Press Robinson
10/18 03:23pm
Agency/Org: Together Baton Rouge
I am opposed to the School Board granting this ITEP exemption to Exxon at this time when the system is struggling to provide adequate numbers of teachers, bus drivers, other personnel, sufficient numbers and properly cooled buses, competitive salaries, and other financial concerns. I understand the desire to create economic development, but your primary responsibility is the education and welfare of our children. Exxon admits that the project(s) will create ONLY Construction jobs. It is great to love Exxon, but we should love our children more.
Jason Andreasen
10/18 03:29pm
I oppose this tax exemption based on the grounds that the EBR School System would benefit greatly from the tax that Exxon Mobil is obligated to pay. At a time when the System acknowleges a hardship when discussing adequate and responsible pay for its most vulnerable employees, there appears to be no reason to offer an exemption that would exacerbate the issue. Thank you.
Lexi Peery
10/18 03:44pm
As a resident of East Baton Rouge Parish, I do not support the board giving ExxonMobil a tax break. The company made over $55 billion dollars last year, according to The Advocate, and should have no problem paying their fair share of taxes over the coming decades. This project won’t even directly benefit workers in East Baton Rouge Parish. The schools need this money to improve education opportunities for young people in the area. Please think of your constituents, the students, teachers, administration and bus drivers in this parish and do not support this application, which will only benefit a multibillion dollar corporation.
Fatemeh Malekian
10/18 03:53pm
Agency/Org: Retired Professor from Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center
I oppose the exemption.
Diola Bagayoko
10/18 04:01pm
Agency/Org: Not associated with any agency/organization
It is crucial that the decision makers take into account the earning and profit profiles of ExxonMobil for the last few years and possible projections thereof. This knowledge is expected to show that our school need the payment of these taxes much more so than ExxonMobile needs the exemptions requested.
Lorena Jefferson
10/18 04:10pm
I am deeply opposed to Exxon Mobil receiving this exemption!!!!!
Janet Moulder
10/18 04:11pm
Authorized to speak by Agency/Organization
I am opposed to the EBRP school Board voting yes to allow Exxon to get the ITEP exemption. The exemption amount are funds needed by the schools in East Baton Rouge parish. There is NO good reason to vote yes on this proposed tax exemption. It will hurt the school district that the School Board is suppose to be representing.
Mary Porter
10/18 04:18pm
I oppose them letting Exxon not paying taxes. Our schools need the money
Julie Gerdes Becnel
10/18 04:30pm
Please ensure that Exxon acts as a good steward in the community and pays their fair share of taxes. Our school system needs the funds in the wake of the transportation crisis and the current state of many of our schools. Thank you.
kathleen randall
10/18 04:43pm
Agency/Org: Together Baton Rouge
As a 50-year resident of East Baton Rouge Parish, I've voted YES on every school tax proposed by the board, for the purpose of maintaining and improving the public school system. I did not intend to exempt this revenue to the benefit of any favored business or industrial development. My public school board's mission does not include business or industrial development or profits. However, a viable public school system is, in its essence, economic development, as it redounds to the entire community's sustainability, wealth, and benefit. I urge board members to honor the common good and do your duty.
Rosalie. B Bivin
10/18 05:41pm
I am in opposition to an H1 ITEP exemption for Exon. Business and industry should pay taxes to support local school districts for improvement in education to promote economic development.
Keidrick Alford
10/18 06:14pm
This is a comment strongly encouraging the school board committee to carefully the damage that will most likely occur by providing a tax exempt status for Exxon Mobil for their proposed multimillion project.
The school system, staff, faculty and most importantly students can greatly utilize those funds to implement more effective standards and programs for the school board’s education system.
Thank you for your consideration
Laney Sanders
10/18 07:45pm
I am strongly opposed to the tax break for Exxon Mobil. I am a lifelong resident of Baton Rouge.
Anna Fogle
10/18 07:56pm
No more tax exemptions please!! Industry needs to pay their fair share just like the rest of us. Our children deserve and need fully funded public education.
Support of this or any exemption tells us exactly where you stand—not in support of a thriving public education district. These exemptions and charters are starving what we can offer ALL children in our district.
Anna Fogle
Martha Davis
10/18 08:02pm
Agency/Org: TBR
I am in opposition to the Exxon Mobil tax exemption. Our schools need the funds that will be generated through the taxes from Exxon Mobil.
Lily Brooks
10/18 09:19pm
I am an opposition of the Exxon Mobil tax exemption application. Please do not allow this funding to be taken from our children.
Brian Delaune
10/18 09:27pm
I am opposed to this exemption. I don't think the school system is in a position to give away money to a multi-billion-dollar corporation. I would also ask that you acknowledge the “in favor” and “opposed” tally publicly. Thank you.
Richard C Moreland
10/18 09:56pm
I am in opposition. A school board's first priority is the welfare of our schools, not economic development. Yet our school board keeps diverting revenue to industries whose employment numbers have been declining for decades. Our schools, students, teachers, and other school system employees need help now. We've been giving away more revenue than any other state for decades and we have the lowest quality of life. It's not working except for a few at the trough.
Anthony Oster
10/18 10:33pm
No corporation deserves a tax break while our students and bus drivers are sitting for hours on buses without AC and without sufficient funds to hire more drivers at competitive rates. Approving this tax cut will be a further failure of this board in an already asinine display of ineptitude.
John Chatman
10/18 10:40pm
If we still have busses with no ac and in other stages of disrepair, drivers and other support staff threatening to leave due to embarrassingly low pay, and teacher pay still far below the regional average, this would be an idiotic move to let a multi-billion dollar corporation (who has been receiving record profits) slide by without paying taxes. Any members of the board attempting to approve this should be replaced immediately.
Alexandra Sypsa
10/19 04:52am
I unequivocally oppose the Exxon Itep application. I ask that the school board deny this application. Our school system and employees desperately need these tax dollars. Furthermore, Exxon needs to pay its fair share in taxes just like all other businesses and citizens. Exxon will not leave our city, these are empty threats used to get a huge corporate tax break. Where would Exxon go? Can you imagine the cost to uproot BR operations? Exxon pays their full share of taxes in Illinois and Texas, why should we get the short end of the stick? Choose our children! Choose our teachers! Choose out community! For once put our city and our youth above Exxon’s corporate bottom line.
Pablo Moreno García
10/19 06:45am
I'm opposed to the proposed Tax Exemption for Exxon.
Exxon is part of the community and should strive to make it better through its taxes. Approving a Tax Exemption on an already undertaxed company will only demonstrate the lack of awareness and care for the company about its surroundings and community. This is especially important in a state like Louisiana, which is consistently ranked among the bottom of the US in infrastructure, education, life quality... having this big enterprises should help to alleviate this problem. Big companies should not be allowed to parasitize communities taking advantage of them without properly compensating them.
Exxon is also not a neutral player is the community. Its emissions affect to the healthcare and environment of Louisiana. Thus, they should pay a fair share of taxes, so that the state can compensate Louisianians and invest in these sectors.
Monique Daley
10/19 07:30am
I am opposed to the exemption.
Rosa Rineheart
10/19 07:44am
This is why schools will never grow or rebuild for the better! Children need the best education possible for even jobs to continue and succeed. Stop taking away from what’s most important!!!
Elizabeth Addison
10/19 08:14am
Please do NOT vote for tax exemptions for ExxonMobil. The school system is already underfunded.
Darcy Rohwer
10/19 09:22am
I do not support the approval of this application. The EBR school system is already suffering & needs all the support, financial and otherwise, the community can give it. Exxon reported profits of over 100 billion dollars in 2022, they can afford to give the students of Louisiana their due.
Victoria gore
10/19 09:23am
This is so disappointing. It’s no surprise Louisiana is one of the worst states in the country for education when we strip away opportunities for funding our schools. The property tax Exxon, a multi billion dollar company, wants to avoid paying is a large chunk of funding for almost all state resources. We’re shooting ourselves in the foot and wondering where we went wrong.
Jennifer Torkkola
10/19 09:30am
Please do not allow a tax break for Exxon. Our school system is already under heavy financial strain, and this will only make things worse. Thank you.
Mona Gupta
10/19 09:32am
I am opposed to this exemption.
Russell Futrell
10/19 11:30am
Agency/Org: Together Baton Rouge
I oppose a tax exemption for Exxon Mobil. I further oppose a tax exemption to any industrial entity that removes tax payer approved funding for schools. The Mission and Vision statements of the EBRP School Board do not include bolstering economic development of the parish (except through building an educated workforce and good schools that help attract new industry and keep existing industry in place). It is not the business of the School Board members to approve diverting funds designated by the voters to support schools to selected industries to support their bottom lines and add to the bountiful profits of their investors. It is the responsibility of the board members to fund the educational goals of the schools, to provide well equipped school buildings, air-conditioned buses and competitive salaries to their teachers and staff, to provide up to date curriculum and a variety of enrichment activities to prepare the students for a competitive, ever changing workforce.
Martha Forbes
10/19 11:31am
Agency/Org: Not associated with am agency.
I am opposed to the tax exemption being considered for Exxon. Their profits outweigh the need for special consideration and every child in this parish deserves a quality education. Exxon will not suffer from this tax. Our children will suffer without it.
Martha Forbes
Deb McElgin
10/19 12:05pm
Please VOTE NO!on the latest exemption request for Exxon Mobile. Exxon can weather the taxes our education system cannot. Exxon gives back to this community in amazing ways but they are asking what we cannot afford. We are losing teachers because we are not getting teachers. Why? The load is too much for the money. We need more teachers to lesson the load.
Alexi Chou
10/19 12:08pm
Please Vote No to Exxon Tax Exemption. Kids need school buses and currently there is a shortage in EBR. We need better pay for our teachers and bus drivers.
Tyler Chou
10/19 12:10pm
No to Exxon Mobile TAX exemption. Our public school need the money. Better pay for the teachers, staff, and bus drivers.
Mary Barnes
10/19 12:37pm
I am opposed to this exemption given the recent massive issues we have had with buses due to our inability to pay drivers competitive wages (not to mention the need to increase teacher pay, cafeteria worker pay, etc.), so it does not appear we are now in a position to turn down money that we are owed under the existing tax code. This is not an extra cost for the corporation and while I certainly appreciate and respect all of the benefits Exxon brings to our community, it seems that using all the available resources for education in this state also helps private businesses such as Exxon by educating the workers of tomorrow. It is not our job to look out for Exxon's bottom line but it is our job to fight for every available resource for our children. Investment in public education is critically important for our children, our community and good for our economy.
Emily Taylor
10/19 01:02pm
I vehemently oppose the tax exemption to Exxon Mobil. Our school system is in a crisis as evidenced by the bus driver situation. It is unfathomable that you would even consider a tax giveaway at this time. Support our schools and schoolchildren, not the multinational corporations!
Emanuel Boo Milton
10/19 01:09pm
Agency/Org: N/A
I am not in support of this tax exemption. Our schools are underfunded as is and we cannot afford it. We have have crisis after crisis within our system and the last thing we need to to lose dollars that could help stabilize our school system. Please. I hope that your decision reflects what is best for our kids and teachers.
Sarah Kirkpatrick
10/19 01:27pm
I am opposed to this exemption. We need our local corporations to be providing more support for public education, not less.
Ann Ostrom
10/19 01:59pm
Please do not support this tax exemption for ExxonMobil.
Elisabeth Cherry
10/19 03:14pm
Agency/Org: Lamar Advertising Company
I am opposed to this exemption. Exxon mobile should not be exempt from property taxes that could benefit our schools. This is stealing from our children, it is stealing from their future.
Danielle Banquer
10/19 03:18pm
I am against allowing a tax exemption for Exxon, and the board should be too. Louisiana is one of the only states that gives such exemptions to businesses. The school board knows how under-funded EBR Parish is for education. Exempting Exxon from these taxes directly cuts off nearly SIX million dollars from education. We cannot possibly fund teachers, bus drivers, support staff, or literally anything else without that money.
Furthermore, the exemption is totally unnecessary. Exxon is a multi billion dollar company. This is run-of-the-mill "costs of business." Exxon can afford. Exxon SHOULD afford it. Call their bluff- they've never pulled projects or the company from Louisiana. They never will. Too many jobs here depend on them, and they need that Louisiana "oil & gas industry." They need to pay their bills, just like the rest of us. No exemptions.
Paul f. Paskoff
10/19 03:28pm
I am opposed to the Board’s proposed granting of the school tax exemption requested by Exxon. If the Board grants the exemption, the school taxes which Exxon should pay will have to be paid by the rest of the taxpayers — that is, by each individual property owner and almost every other business owner. I have voted for every school tax proposed by the School Board and felt good about doing so because I recognize the importance of public education to our community. Paying one’s fair share of taxes is one of the bedrock principles of our republic; it has long been one of the hallmarks of being a responsible citizen. If we as taxpayers are expected to pay our fair share of school taxes, why should a huge corporation like Exxon be allowed to skip out of paying its fair share of those taxes? Exxon touts itself with being a good corporate citizen. Well, it’s time for Exxon to pay its school tax.
Maggie Conarro
10/19 05:13pm
I oppose this exemption. EBRPSS simply does lacks the resources to be able afford such exemptions.
Chris Frink
10/19 06:09pm
Do not grant this exemption. This is just another out-of-state corporation — a highly profitable one — trying to avoid their obligation to our community.
My family and our small business faithfully pay our taxes, including taxes to support public schools. Exxon cares little about this community. If they did care, they would pay their taxes and continue with their minimal charitable efforts in EBR.
Exxon — and other out-of-state corporations— have one goal: turn as big a profit as possible. Caring for and supporting our community is low on their list of priorities. They’re working hard to dodge this obligation because they have one goal: increase profits.
Support our school system. Support our community. Deny this give away
Juliette Dauterive
10/19 06:18pm
No more petrochemical tax breaks. No more tax breaks for polluting industries.
Kristin Savicki
10/19 08:11pm
Vote no on the ITEP exemption. Exxon does not need this- they pay their share of taxes in other jurisdictions like Texas. Are our Louisiana kids worth less? I believe in our kids, and our school system, if only the leadership of our district would stop underfunding our kids’ needs. I pay my taxes, to support our community’s schools, and Exxon can too.
Carl Motsenbocker
10/19 08:25pm
Agency/Org: Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
I urge you to not give any more ITEP exemptions to Exxon Mobil. This multinational company does not need these funds as much of our woefully underfunded school system. Enough is enough.
I1-ITEP Application: Exxon Mobil
I. Jancan
10/19 08:28am
You should vote NO on the tax exemption for Exxon Mobil. They say that they will bring jobs that will contribute to our district, but it turns out that the majority of the workers in the plants do not live in the local districts where the plants are located. Therefore, they use the property with a low tax rate that contributes next to nothing to the local economy. Chances are very good that they will build the plant there REGARDLESS of this tax break because they need the infrastructure offered to them by the already local operations, as well as the use of the Mississippi river for barge shipments and outfalls. One barge shipment of their product turns enough profit to pay an entire year's worth in taxes at the higher rate, and they ship several barge-loads a week of product. They can afford it, and we can't afford to give them their exemptions.
Erica Hamer
10/19 09:35am
EBRPSS is a public service paid for by tax money. Exxon is a lucrative business profiting from Baton Rouge in many ways & owes taxes. EBRPSS is not providing equal resources to all students due to an alleged deficit. Highest paid Exxon employees do not use the EBRPSS because of its poor resources- to attract engineers from out of state, Exxon gives them money specifically allocated to send their kids to private schools in EBRP. So, Exxon is withholding tax money due to EBRPSS & giving it to their employees to pay for private schools. Other businesses employing high numbers of highly qualified professionals do not want to locate in Baton Rouge due to the poor resources of EBRPSS- this hurts all businesses in Baton Rouge. Exxon will not clearly explain how this exemption will benefit Baton Rouge because there is no logical reason to support it. There should be no fear of losing a valid project due to the corporation paying it’s legal tax bill. Quality projects and expansion opportunitie
Amanda Bureau
10/19 09:39am
I am opposed to this exemption. I just read the Business Report's article about the state's debt being nearly double its assets. Why are we talking about giving a mega-company a tax break, when the burden will just fall back on residents and local business owners? Exxon doesn't care about our community or our kids. EBR School Board members SHOULD care about our kids!
Malika Wyche
10/19 09:47am
I am opposed to the Exxon exemption. If we can’t afford buses or playgrounds, support staff raises or teacher raises then we can’t afford this tax break.
Jennifer Oster
10/19 10:01am
Agency/Org: N.A.
I do not support these tax exemptions. Huge, profitable corporations like Exxon should pay their fair share. The citizens do their parts. Our local schools are suffering, which means the local children suffer. It’s common sense to ask a huge company to pay their taxes. I do understand the rationale that removing tax breaks will incentivize corporations to leave, but has anyone ever considered a happy medium, in which we offer some tax break incentives but still collect an amount that would benefit our parish and the public schools? Any reasonable person would agree that this sounds like a good compromise.
Sarah Cortell Vandersypen
10/19 10:33am
I oppose this exemption. It takes critical funds from our schools.
Julia Buckner
10/19 11:01am
Hi! I'm writing to urge you to vote NO on the industrial tax exemption on the agenda tonight. My understanding of this is that Exxon is asking to be exempt from property taxes (the portion that goes to our school district) for 3.7 million for a project that creates no new jobs. However, investing in our students' education will create literally thousands of new employees for our future workforce, as well as reduce our unacceptably high crime rate. I strongly believe that Exxon should pay their property taxes just like the rest of us who live and work in Baton Rouge do - to benefit public education. I feel strongly out our public educations system -- I have two children currently in EBRPSS schools. We must invest in our children's future by insisting that businesses like Exxon invest in the community in which they want to work.
Thank you for your consideration of this request and for all you do to benefit our community!
George Jones
10/19 11:19am
I support the ExxonMobil ITEP application. This proposal would be a step in the right direction for attracting industry expansion in the Baton Rouge area. ExxonMobil has and will continue to be a supporter of the EBR school system.
Jennifer Purpera
10/19 11:23am
The state ITEP program provides Louisiana and East Baton Rouge the opportunity to attract investment to our community that ultimately provides funds to support our schools, and parish services. I SUPPORT THIS ITEP application. ExxonMobil employees volunteer in our community and support our schools. I am a resident of Baton Rouge and parent to a EBR Public School student. When companies invest in EBRP, the entire community benefits.
Laura Acosta
10/19 11:24am
Please vote against the Exxon ITEP on tonight’s agenda. No other state, INCLUDING Texas, allows tax exemptions for corporations to the extent that Louisiana does. This exemption will only harm our already fragile budget.
Meg Mahoney
10/19 11:25am
I support ExxonMobil's continued investment in their facilities in Baton Rouge to bring new innovative product lines to the region. ITEP is an important economic development tool to support these projects that bring additional tax dollars to our region. Please vote YES in support of this item.
Daniel P Miller
10/19 11:26am
Please approve!
Kirk Kessler
10/19 11:32am
I support ExxonMobil's ITEP request. Having ExxonMobil invest more than $250 Million into their facilities in Baton Rouge will create hundreds of construction jobs and provide a much-needed boost to the Baton Rouge economy. It will also help ensure that local ExxonMobil employees remain local and can continue to support the economy by paying taxes and living within the parish.
Donald Whittington
10/19 11:33am
ITEP support for ExxonMobil projects will support development in EBR and grow the community. Very important for the future of industry to grow hiring and tax base.
Austin Held
10/19 11:33am
Please Approve! Approving this exemption will continue to attract large investments to Louisiana to maintain and create future jobs in Baton Rouge.
Heather aitken
10/19 11:36am
I oppose this exemption. The school board should prioritize the education of our children and the welfare of our schools. We cannot attract talent to our community due to the condition and understaffing of our public schools.
Garrett Thibodeaux
10/19 11:36am
Please approve
Rory Denicola
10/19 11:38am
Speaking as a member of Agency/Organization only
I am in support of ExxonMobil receiving an ITEP from the EBR School Board and ask that you support this application. This potential project will create hundreds of constructions jobs and generate more than $20 million in payroll. EBRP could receive over $13 million in tax revenue over the next 20 years if this project is approved!
Lisa Rogers
10/19 11:40am
I.2 - ITEP Application Approval for ExxonMobil
EBR School Board - I am writing to express my support to approve the ITEP application for ExxonMobil and their Innovation Suite. These projects, should they be built in Baton Rouge position the facility to remain competitive and be here for many years to come providing tax revenue to the parish / schools and employment to so many people in our community.
Personally - I am very excited about the prospect of these new facilities that could be located in Baton Rouge, especially the advanced recycling efforts. My husband and I are avid recyclers, in fact I have to often go through the recycling bin to make sure we are only including items which can be recycled today. Having the option to recycle more plastic would be greatly utilized by my family (and I could stop sorting my recycling).
Again, I express my support for approving the ITEP application.
Thank you - Lisa Rogers
Clay Ourso
10/19 11:41am
Agency/Org: ExxonMobil
I support the approval of the ITEP application for the ExxonMobil investments. The investments will benefit all of the community.
Frederick David Gatz
10/19 11:41am
I am really excited about these opportunities to bring investment into our great city and state! The ITEP incentivizes companies like ExxonMobil to place their investments here instead of putting them elsewhere. Not only do these investments help our economy flourish, they also bring millions of dollars in taxes into our schools and community!
Lana Venable
10/19 11:41am
As a resident and taxpayer in East Baton Rouge for the past 25-plus years, I strongly support this ITEP application.
ITEP is not a tax exemption -- it is a deferral of a portion of the property taxes associated with the proposed projects. The parish will reap the benefits of 20 percent of the project investment immediately, as well as additional tax dollars resulting from construction and related business activity. The remaining 80 percent will come onto the tax rolls following the 10 year deferral period. These short and long-term project impacts will be significant based on the size and scope of these projects.
ExxonMobil has long been a supporter of the EBR School System from direct donations and countless hours of volunteer support in schools to a high school internship program and the North BR Industrial Training Initiative, which provide pathways for these students to be successful in industrial careers.
Jonathan Morgan
10/19 11:41am
Agency/Org: ExxonMobil
I fully support the ITEP application for the ExxonMobil Innovation Suite. These projects allow Baton Rouge to lead the way for a sustainable future and enable entry to emerging markets. These projects bring in significant revenue for the area and support both retention of current jobs and addition of others.
Robert Buckley
10/19 11:41am
Agency/Org: ExxonMobil
I would like to express support for the ExxonMobil ITEP Application. These projects will bring many positive economic impacts to the Baton Rouge Area.
Lana Venable
10/19 11:41am
As a resident and taxpayer in East Baton Rouge for the past 25-plus years, I strongly support this ITEP application.
ITEP is not a tax exemption -- it is a deferral of a portion of the property taxes associated with the proposed projects. The parish will reap the benefits of 20 percent of the project investment immediately, as well as additional tax dollars resulting from construction and related business activity. The remaining 80 percent will come onto the tax rolls following the 10 year deferral period. These short and long-term project impacts will be significant based on the size and scope of these projects.
ExxonMobil has long been a supporter of the EBR School System from direct donations and countless hours of volunteer support in schools to a high school internship program and the North BR Industrial Training Initiative, which provide pathways for these students to be successful in industrial careers.
Stephanie Cargile
10/19 11:42am
Authorized to speak by Agency/Organization
I ask that you support the ITEP application for ExxonMobil. Louisiana Economic Development and Governor Edwards invited ExxonMobil to apply for ITEP to help secure the projects. If these projects are brought to Baton Rouge, ExxonMobil expects to invest more than $250 million in the projects, create hundreds of construction jobs, and generate more than $20 million in new and construction payroll. ExxonMobil anticipates the projects will produce $10 million in sales tax during construction and more than $12 million in property tax, in addition to the approximately $145 million in taxes the company currently contributes annually. If the project is approved by ExxonMobil, new sales tax revenue collections could begin as soon as construction begins in 2024.
Kevin Colomb
10/19 11:48am
Agency/Org: ExxonMobil
I am very proud of Exxon's efforts to support society's needs and goals in the energy transition. These investments are a part of that vision. I hope that the ITEP program can be helpful in bringing that vision here to BR, where our local community will see the benefits in our local economy, but also be a part of the bigger picture in the energy transition. Someone's going to have to do this work - I hope it can be us, your community members here in BR.
Ngoc My Le
10/19 11:55am
No to Exxon Mobile Tax Exemption! Our school children need money for the bus and school need money to operate.
Victor Chou
10/19 11:55am
NO to Exxon Mobile Tax Exemption! Board Members, please vote no!
Bukky Harthoorn
10/19 11:56am
ExxonMobil is a key supporter of the Baton Rouge area; they provide good jobs for the community, and support local businesses.
ExxonMobil expects to invest more than $250 million in the projects, create hundreds of construction jobs, and generate more than $20 million in new and construction payroll. In West Baton Rouge, the investment could create nine new jobs while the East Baton Rouge investment could create 10 new indirect jobs by establishing an advanced recycling supply chain. Only about $147 million is eligible for ITEP: $72.7 million in West Baton Rouge and $74.6 million in East Baton Rouge.
As the largest taxpayer in the parish, ExxonMobil anticipates the projects will produce $10 million in sales tax during construction and more than $12 million in property tax, in addition to the approximately $145 million in taxes the company currently contributes annually. In East Baton Rouge Parish alone, the city could potentially to receive an additional $13.5 million in tax revenue
Catherine Nichole Onorato
10/19 11:58am
I am the parent of a student in an EBR school and an ExxonMobil employee. The proposed projects recycle plastic waste and supply ultra-pure isopropyl alcohol for domestic microchip production. They would create jobs and pump cash into the Greater Baton Rouge area. Without this application, there is no guarantee ExxonMobil would choose to invest dollars in Baton Rouge.
Nelsene Peters
10/19 12:07pm
I support the ITEP program. Please vote yes to approve it.
Approval allows Baton Rouge to compete to be the city of choice for economically advantaged projects which if the projects are located here will increase the overall amount of taxes available to support EBR schools.
Tegan Treadaway
10/19 12:07pm
I support the ITEP application for Exxon Mobil.
Jack Wilfert
10/19 12:11pm
Please approve!
Bradley Schockman
10/19 12:14pm
This project will be very beneficial to the long term future of Baton Rouge and the amazing contributions that ExxonMobil continues to bring to the local city
Douglas Melancon
10/19 12:15pm
Awesome opportunity for Baton Rouge to be at the forefront of new technologies and plastics recycling. Baton Rouge let's seize this innovative proposal and be a leader in addressing waste plastics. This suite of projects has the potential to bring advanced recycling suppliers and jobs to the Baton Rouge area.
Plastic waste is almost always at the top of the list when it comes to sustainability discussions - but the solutions are few. ExxonMobil has a proven process to recycling a wide spectrum of waste plastics and reducing our carbon footprint. I urge all of Baton Rouge leadership, including the EBR School Board, to approve ExxonMobil's ITEP application. Thank you!
Monica Monroe
10/19 12:19pm
ExxonMobil's ITEP application will not reduce taxes to EBRPS, only encourage investment that will increase sales tax during construction with additional property taxes once the abatement has run its course
Joseph Woodson
10/19 12:19pm
Please approve!
Sarah Besson Knight
10/19 12:20pm
I support ExxonMobil receiving ITEP from the EBR School Board.
Baraynia Robillard
10/19 12:23pm
I support the ExxonMobil ITEP application. ExxonMobil has and will continue to be a strong supporter of EBR School System from direct donations to volunteer hours:
To name a few, this year, ExxonMobil collaborated with EBR Schools to show students options for their future careers beginning with Jumpstart Academy for freshmen and sophomores. For the third year, ExxonMobil offered rising juniors through recent graduate students an opportunity to be paid and join ranks for 8 weeks as ExxonMobil employees through the High School Internship program. This year's program was the largest ever, making the high school internship Four times larger than prior years. The internship helps students understand career choices available to them as post high school graduates in either direct-to-work crafts or through traditional STEM careers. And for more than a decade ExxonMobil has provided students with pathways to successful industrial careers though the North BR Industrial Training Initiative.
Gretchen Siemers
10/19 12:27pm
I am opposed to this exemption. The schools are struggling because we keep diverting needed funds for this vague concept of “jobs”—but in reality, EXXON is going to EXXON regardless of what we do. This is a game of chicken and the kids of EBR are losing. If we want “good jobs” we need an educated workforce. Kids before corporations.
Peyton Morris
10/19 12:27pm
Please Approve!
Joseph Meyer
10/19 12:27pm
Agency/Org: None
I would like to see ExxonMobil get the full tax exemption, under the Industrial Tax Exemption Plan (ITEP). I understand it will 'delay' the Baton Rouge School system from receiving increase tax payments from ExxonMobil. But if ExxonMobil moves these projects to Texas, We will not benefit at all.
Thank you, Joe
Douglas Ramsey
10/19 12:32pm
ExxonMobil is the largest taxpayer in East Baton Rouge Parish and is also probably the single most important private employer in East Baton Rouge Parish. It is important that ExxonMobil continue to invest in its facilities to maintain their competitiveness and to adapt to the changing world.
I encourage the parish school board to approve the ITEP application to enable ExxonMobil to continue their investment in their local facilities.
10/19 12:38pm
Alex Hwang
10/19 12:38pm
Please approve!
Karan Sharma
10/19 12:49pm
Speaking as a member of Agency/Organization only
New project drives economic growth & social development!!!
I fully support ITEP application, these potential projects will generate additional property & sales tax along with additional indirect & direct job creation. These projects will also generate revenue for small & diverse local business helping bring prosperity for whole community!!!
Paul Leinweber
10/19 12:50pm
ExxonMobil has been a strong supporter of East Baton Rouge schools. They will continue to support our schools if they continue to invest in our community. I worry their investments will go elsewhere if our support stops.
Todd Talbot
10/19 12:52pm
I think we should approve the tax incentive for ExxonMobil. We need to provide an incentive to attract business growth in EBR. I would hate for our parish / state to lose another project to Texas.
Bruce Lilly
10/19 12:52pm
Fully support the ITEP application. These projects allow the Baton Rouge area to grow in new, higher end technologies (supporting chip manufacturing and recycling projects to reduce landfill waste). We (the Baton Rouge area) win by supporting projects and applications like these - open up new longer term income and tax streams and support existing and future job security and growth.
Dana Michell
10/19 12:53pm
Agency/Org: ExxonMobil
Speaking as a member of Agency/Organization only
I ask the School Board to do what is best for our schools -- and in this case, it is supporting ExxonMobil's ITEP application.
If these projects move forward, EBRSS can expect to begin collecting sales taxes as soon as construction begins in 2024.
In 2022, ExxonMobil paid 33% more in property taxes and 29% more in sales taxes than the previous five years. This is a direct result of capital investments, like the modernization project at our Refinery and the expansion project at our Polyolefins Plant -- both of which received ITEP approvals.
Katie Huelsbeck
10/19 12:57pm
No more corporate hand outs at the cost of our students in EBRPS. Vote No on the Exxon Tax cut. Prove that the students are your priority!
Jenny Dvorak
10/19 01:08pm
Please approve investment in ExxonMobil Baton Rouge Complex! The ITEP application covers exciting opportunities that would greatly benefit the Baton Rouge area.
Jon McCain
10/19 01:11pm
I am in support of the ExxonMobil project being proposed for ITEP this week. Past ExxonMobil projects have brought new permanent jobs to the community as well as engineering and construction job.
Jason Pettrey
10/19 01:31pm
Speaking as a member of Agency/Organization only
Total support for the Industrial Tax Exception process - we have to remember that we're competing with other states (and countries!) for investment. It's extremely common to offer tax exemptions to new/expanding business to attract them to your city/state. Long term - you win, as you get the taxes that the business generates over time. But being short-sighted here will only lead to business LEAVING Louisiana to Texas / overseas. Please support the tax exemption process - ensure everyone looks at the FACTS and the ECONOMICS of how this works.
David Hou
10/19 01:32pm
Please support the ExxonMobil ITEP application!
Lance Glaser
10/19 01:36pm
Authorized to speak by Agency/Organization
I am writing in support of the ITEP application for ExxonMobil and ask that you do the same. ExxonMobil continues to invest in our local community creating a boon to our economy in the form of workforce development, job creation, tax revenue, and opportunity for local businesses.
ExxonMobil's Innovation Suite of projects will bring an additional $13.5MM in tax revenue to East Baton Rouge Parish if the project is approved. Your vote of support of the ITEP application will reinforce to ExxonMobil that Louisiana and Baton Rouge are open for business - otherwise, this project will likely go elsewhere creating $0 in tax revenue for our local economy.
ExxonMobil has been a vital partner in our Baton Rouge community for decades, and approving this application is a critical step in ensuring our continued economic prosperity, job growth, and community development.
Madeline Pipkin
10/19 01:41pm
Please approve!!
Lisa Dabadie
10/19 01:47pm
I strongly support
McKenzie Cowart
10/19 01:48pm
Approve the I1-ITEP Application for ExxonMobil!
Keith Andrepont
10/19 01:48pm
ExxonMobil has been an integral part of the BR community for over 100 years and in order to continue maximizing their impact, there needs to be new capital investments to the facilities in BR. ExxonMobil's impact to the local and state economy are enormous and provides a significant number of direct and indirect jobs to keep local talent in the State.
As the largest taxpayer in the parish, ExxonMobil anticipates the projects will produce $10 million in sales tax during construction and more than $12 million in property tax, in addition to the approximately $145 million in taxes the company currently contributes annually. In EBR Parish alone, the city could potentially to receive an additional $13.5 million in tax revenue over 20 years. If the project is approved by ExxonMobil, new sales tax revenue collections could begin as soon as construction begins in 2024. Furthermore, EBR Parish could benefit from a nearly $134 million return on investment, according to the BR Area Chamber.
Brett T Simpson
10/19 01:53pm
Please support the ExxonMobil projects. They are both new business opportunities to help grow the economy in the Greater Baton Rouge Area.
Karen Gomez
10/19 01:54pm
ExxonMobil provides a lot of employment in our community.
Please approve!!!!
Andrew Swedler
10/19 01:55pm
Agency/Org: ExxonMobil
Speaking as a member of Agency/Organization only
Please support this bill. This will help bring jobs and opportunity to the greater Baton Rouge area.
Sarah Sheikha
10/19 01:58pm
I am opposed to this tax exemption. I can see the potential in the benefits that it MIGHT bring to our city, but putting that money back into the teachers, staff, and schools would be a guaranteed benefit.
Matthew Elam
10/19 02:00pm
Bring in the jobs!
Patricia G Spears
10/19 02:04pm
I am in opposition to Exxon having an industrial tax exemption.
Benjamin Owens
10/19 02:09pm
I am opposed to this tax exemption. Exxon Mobile has a market capitalization in excess of $440,000,000,000. Its second quarter earnings in 2023 were $7,900,000,000. The school needs the money. Exxon does not.
Tasha Andrepont
10/19 02:10pm
Please approve ExxonMobil’s ITEP application. I am proud to have ExxonMobil be part of the Baton Rouge community and hope for continued investments to continue helping make the state a better place for my family and kids to live in.
Julio Perez
10/19 02:14pm
Agency/Org: ExxonMobil
Speaking as a member of Agency/Organization only
I have been involved with several projects with ExxonMobil. Every single project has not only provided local permanent high paying jobs and construction jobs but also significant positive impact to the local businesses (restaurants, gas stations, hotels, etc). Also, higher paying job means higher local taxes which in turn, provides higher budgets for school districts.
Terrence Yap
10/19 02:15pm
I am in support of the Exxon Mobil ITEP application. This would help Louisiana gain competitive advantage against other states on forefront innovation and additional investments into the Capital Area and supporting the economy of East Baton Rouge Parish.
Chrisophter DellaFranco
10/19 02:28pm
Agency/Org: ExxonMobil
Authorized to speak by Agency/Organization
I am writing to support the Innovation suite of projects for ExxonMobil Baton Rouge facility. I have lived in Louisiana for over 10 years and raising my family here and this is home for me. I want to continue to see Baton Rouge grow and the economy here in the state grow so that this is a viable place for our family to work and grow. I believe that education is very important, and expanding our facility will increase our overall revenue to the state and help support all the required initiatives for education growth. Economic growth is very important to help grow education and the education system for our children.
Emily Denicola
10/19 02:29pm
i support the ITEP for ExxonMobil. They support the school system through a variety of ways
Chad Denicola
10/19 02:30pm
I support the application for ExxonMobil
Sara Fisher
10/19 02:32pm
Please approve this application.
Margo Spielman
10/19 02:32pm
Agency/Org: NA
I fully support Exxonmobil's ITEP and opportunity to bring more tax revenue to the school system and Baton Rouge. There is no loss of tax revenue that you don't have yet and we need Louisiana to prosper and grow!
Gary Fisher Jr
10/19 02:33pm
Please approve. In favor.
John Cargile
10/19 02:36pm
Agency/Org: NA
Support this ITEP tonight. It's important for our school system's future and can provide sustainable tax revenue for many years to come. Please vote yes!
Ana Rupnik
10/19 02:36pm
I am in opposition to Exxon having an industrial tax exemption.
Dee Murphy
10/19 02:40pm
I support this application for ExxonMobil. They are good community partners.
John Henry Bradford
10/19 02:41pm
I support the ITEP application for ExxonMobil. They support education throughout the entire parish from elementary to high school to our community college and Universities.
The increased expansion proposed by ExxonMobil will create both immediate construction jobs and long term operational jobs for Baton Rouge. The long term tax payments will outweigh the short term tax breaks.
Chad Ford
10/19 02:45pm
I fully support this application for ExxonMobil and believe it will allow for more jobs and opportunities for our city and surrounding areas.
Stephen Fortie
10/19 02:50pm
I support the approval of ITEP as it will bring millions in revenue for years to come. These new facilities will also create new long-standing jobs and construction jobs for the people in our communities. I certainly support attracting any new businesses to BR, this will only create more businesses to support.
Terri Mearidy
10/19 02:50pm
please approve the investments. the impact to the economy goes beyond jsut the corporation - it creates jobs locally, keeps money in the state, taxes go to the schools, etc... they use local business who in turn hire local folks and the pay it forward keeps going. Keep the jobs in the area
Thomas Pavia
10/19 02:52pm
Please approve to continue to support manufacturing growth and jobs in the community.
Coila LaFleur Esposito
10/19 02:56pm
Agency/Org: ExxonMobil
Speaking as a member of Agency/Organization only
I support the ITEP application for ExxonMobil. These types of exemptions are critical to an organization’s decision to bring new business to Luiz Louisiana and to our parish. Bringing this new business creates jobs in the community, and brings in more tax dollars as opposed to not having the business at all.
R. "Michael
10/19 02:59pm
Please approve the ITEP. I believe this is the best for the community.
Kristen Manes
10/19 03:00pm
I am opposed to granting a tax exemption to Exxon. I am opposed to the ITEP.
Opposed, opposed, opposed. Why isn't this a no-brainer?
Hannah Birchman
10/19 03:01pm
Your job as the board is to serve the students and teachers of this district not pad the pockets of businesses or friends. Exxon must pay it’s fair share of taxes and support our schools. To date you have mismanaged the budget, you underpay our teachers and support staff, and can’t safely get kids to school. Do one thing right and ensure proper funding of our schools. The school board should be known more for supporting education rather than supporting the business community.
Jared Browning
10/19 03:02pm
I support ITEP. I see the value in bringing more jobs and revenue to our communities.
Rex Cabaniss
10/19 03:02pm
Agency/Org: Rex Cabaniss
I am in favor of approving ExxonMobile's ITEP application, for the economic benefits it brings to our community.
Rex Cabaniss
Bradley Sawaya
10/19 03:03pm
I fully support tax breaks for companies willing to invest in EBR.
James McClanahan
10/19 03:05pm
ExxonMobil development is essential to ensure sustainable tax revenue to our our community.
James Michiels
10/19 03:09pm
Please support this and other investments to create and retain jobs in EBR!
Philip Dempsey
10/19 03:11pm
Agency/Org: Performance Contractors (at Exxon in Baton Rouge)
Speaking as a member of Agency/Organization only
As an employee of Performance Contractors at ExxonMobil in Baton Rouge, I would like to express my support for ExxonMobil's ITEP application for the purpose of attracting more ExxonMobil projects to the Baton Rouge area, which have the potential to generate more tax revenue for the parish even with the exemption as well as to contribute to the stability and availability of construction jobs such as mine. Projects with high revenues and long durations such as those in the Innovation Suite attract top craftsmen, reduce turnover, improve quality of work, and greatly improve the quality of life for employees such as me who want to stay local in order to better serve our family needs and improve community life without having to go out of state to find decent work.
10/19 03:11pm
Please vote against this since not other state allows their school systems to be financially harmed while pursuing economic development. Other schools systems in all other states are either exempted or reimbursed. ExxonMobile should not expect that their corporate subsidy come on the backs of schoolchildren.
Katie McKeogh
10/19 03:14pm
Please support this ITEP application. By supporting this ITEP, Baton Rouge stands a better chance of securing this new investment to the parish, which will lead to MORE money for the school system. Without this investment in the parish, we stand to gain nothing.
Nicholas Moore
10/19 03:14pm
Agency/Org: Brookhollow Glen Civic Association
Authorized to speak by Agency/Organization
To the East Baton Rouge School Board,
We represent a local, historic neighborhood that has been a pillar of our community for over 50 years. Over the years, we've faced challenges such as flooding due to trash clogging our stormwater systems. Today, we wish to voice our support for ExxonMobil Corporation's application for a new tax exemption for their proposed 'Innovation Suite'. We believe that projects like these, which emphasize advanced recycling methods to address plastic waste, not only support technological advancements but also play a vital role in environmental conservation. Moreover, the anticipated economic benefits, including the creation of hundreds of construction jobs and significant payroll contributions, align with our community's broader goals of progress and sustainability.
Thank you for considering our viewpoint as you deliberate on the ITEP request. We trust that our elected officials will make decisions that foster growth while preserving the values and history.
Seth Talbot
10/19 03:15pm
Agency/Org: None
I support the ExxonMobil ITEP application, as have Louisiana Economic Development & Governor Edwards. EM is already the largest tax payer in the Parish, and this suite of projects will increase the amounts the company currently pays in both sales and property taxes. In addition to increased tax payments, the projects will create jobs both for construction and permanent workers.
Anna Johnson
10/19 03:16pm
Agency/Org: WBR Chamber of Commerce
As Executive Director of the West Baton Rouge Chamber of Commerce (and resident of East Baton Rouge), I would like to voice my support for I1-ITEP Application for Exxon Mobil.
Exxon Mobil’s expansion in East Baton Rouge is a great example of Louisiana’s economic vitality and our ability to attract new investments across a broad range of industries. I am proud that Exxon Mobil’s talented workforce continues to manufacture high quality products that are used by consumers around the globe, and this investment would mark another significant milestone for The Capital Region.
We should consider ourselves fortunate to have successfully built upon the momentum of the great economic development strides in the Capital, including the investments of Exxon Mobil which have provided jobs, tax revenue and a quality of life for many.
I would like to thank the Council for your consideration of the project and the continued support of the economic development initiatives in the Capital Region and St
Jessica Rabalais
10/19 03:19pm
I am opposed to the industrial tax exemption. ExxonMobil should be required to invest in public education in the community they serve. Many of their employees use public education, and the company should show they support their employees and community.
Jack Caulder
10/19 03:22pm
Please approve! ExxonMobil investment in Baton Rouge = more jobs = bigger tax base
Shannon Cavell
10/19 03:23pm
I am a resident of District 8. My children both attended EBR schools for their entire K-12 education. I urge the board to vote against the ITEP for ExxonMobil. Our community owes it to our children to provide adequate resources for their education. The events of the last few months have made it abundantly clear that more resources are needed in many areas. Your job is to represent us and to educate children, not to support corporations by allowing them to shirk their civic responsibility. Thank you.
10/19 03:25pm
Please approve the tax exception for the proposed ExxonMobil projects in East Baton Rouge Parish. The projects will create a large number of new construction jobs and revenue. Once construction has started, it will generate sales tax revenue for the parish. Exxon has always been a good partner to the public schools and to the parish through donations and volunteer work. From my understanding, West Baton Rouge has already unanimously approved the tax break for the proposed project in their parish.
Please approve.
Samuel Amoroso
10/19 03:31pm
Please REJECT this ITP application.
Christopher David Oubre
10/19 03:33pm
I support ExxonMobil’s ITEP application. Let’s keep investment in our community because ExxonMobil has demonstrated it will put its money elsewhere.
M. Marc Ehrhardt
10/19 03:41pm
I support ExxonMobil's ITEP applications pending approval by the EBR School Board. The company I own opened an office in Baton Rouge earlier this year and we are excited about the opportunity for small businesses like mine in the Capitol Region, because of the opportunities that projects like Exxon is considering. Investing in ExxonMobil's plans for EBR now will produce positive results immediately and even bigger results as the projects come online. New tax revenue for the EBR school board will only come to the schools if these projects are approved. Approving these applications puts EBR on a better path, if we have the foresight to say yes to them.
Brad Allen
10/19 03:44pm
Agency/Org: ExxonMobil
EBR School Board Members,
The ITEP program in Louisiana has been a key part of the State's ability to attract investment in a competitive regional and worldwide market. As both a resident of East Baton Rouge parish and an ExxonMobil employee I desire to see our company, as well as others, continue to invest in our parish to enable it to prosper and grow for generations to come. While the ITEP program does allow for a reduction in property tax for the Innovation Suite during the initial years, it still results in over $13 million in additional taxes for our parish (and over $4M for EBR schools) over the next 20 years. That doesn't take into account the more than $8M in local construction payroll, which directly helps to stimulate the economy in our parish. These tax revenues and payroll amounts are immensely better than $0, which is the amount our state receives if investment decisions are made in other locations that ExonMobil operates. Thanks for your consideration.
Sharla Myers
10/19 03:46pm
I am in opposition to Exxon having an industrial tax exemption. Our school system is too financially weak, and cannot afford this giveaway.
Mitchell Walk
10/19 03:46pm
Please support the porposition for ExxonMobil to receive the ITEP from the EBR school board. This will help secure lasting investment in the community and will increase tax revenue in the big picture
George A Swan III, Ph.D., P.E.
10/19 03:47pm
Agency/Org: None
ExxonMobil has been a tremendous supporter of EBR Schools for many years and the largest taxpayer in our parish. Approving ITEP will result in significant investment with many economic benefits including creating more good jobs for high school graduates and increasing sales tax revenues beginning in 2024. Furthermore, local businesses will significantly benefit from the construction phase. ExxonMobil's support for the North Baton Rouge Industrial Training Initiative has been a resounding success for job creation and will be enhanced by moving forward with approval of the Innovation Suite. Failure to approve ITEP would be a setback for East Baton Rouge Parish and erode competitiveness of our local economy. I applaud Governor Edwards the EBR Metro Council for supporting this economic tax incentive to enable ExxonMobil's expansion plans.
Tara Bazille
10/19 03:48pm
I am in full support of ExxonMobil ITEP. My child and mother-in-law are in East Baton Rouge Parish Public School System, and I am hopeful that the EBR School Board will make the right decision to support this application. The schools and community will benefit greatly from this application approval.
Tebbe Jackson
10/19 03:50pm
I oppose granting Exxon any tax abatements. No to corporate welfare. Yes to the students, teachers, and support staff of EBR. It’s the board’s fiduciary responsibility to do what’s in the best interest of your constituents, not big business!
Robin Hargroder Lemaire
10/19 03:50pm
I am opposed to this exemption. Anyone who believes the farce that we need to compete for Exxon and that tax exemptions pay off needs to look at the lack of evidence to support those claims. EBRSS needs the money and Exxon needs an educated workforce- something it will eventually not have if we don’t make them foot the bill for the public services they rely on to make billions. If you want Louisiana to become the next rust belt (oil belt?) then vote for the exemption, but that is not the future I want for our state.
Byron K. Tomlinson
10/19 03:51pm
Please approve the ITEP Application for ExxonMobil. If not approved and ExxonMobil chooses to invest these capital dollars in Texas instead, then Louisiana and EBR Schools miss out on 100% of the potential project impacts. This decision should be viewed as an effort to secure investment, tax dollars, and jobs for Louisiana, not risk losing these altogether.
Nyoki Mokeba
10/19 03:57pm
Agency/Org: Performance Contractors Inc.
I am in full support of the ITEP application for Exxon. Please approve. Exxon is a great company that has done a tremendous job in supporting local schools in Baton Rouge for a long time as well as providing well-paying jobs for many people (which are not plentiful in BR).
Kristin DeMarco
10/19 03:57pm
Vote NO to the Exxon/Mobile tax exemption. Our kids need school our board members to protect their futures and that requires funding. Funding that the public is owed by the corporation for their use and degradation of our natural resources.
Jerry Pellette
10/19 03:57pm
Please support the ITEP request. Please support this and other investments to create and retain jobs in EBR.
Regina Davis
10/19 03:58pm
Agency/Org: ExxonMobil Baton Rouge
I am proud of the investments that ExxonMobil has made at our Baton Rouge Complex. As a mother, a wife and a proud native of Louisiana, I am encouraged to see the positive impact that economic development has made and will continue to make on our community. I know first hand the power of education and the need to invest in our schools. As a public school graduate, and first generation college graduate, education was the key that unlocked opportunity for me. I am passionate about ensuring that our kids, including those that are underserved, have access to quality education. ITEP continues to incentivize investments in Louisiana. And I fully support continuing to leverage this incentive to attract investment in our community.
Bryan James Whitehead
10/19 04:01pm
I started working at ExxonMobil as a contractor when I was 18 years old and have worked at ExxonMobil for 32 years. These projects are very important to me and my family. I may not be a resident of East Baton Rouge but spend a great deal of my income inside the city limits of Baton Rouge.
Please rule in favor of EXXONMOBIL.
Becky Breaux
10/19 04:02pm
ExxonMobil expects to invest more than $250 million in the projects, create hundreds of construction jobs, and generate more than $20 million in new and construction payroll. In West Baton Rouge, the investment could create nine new jobs while the East Baton Rouge investment could create 10 new indirect jobs by establishing an advanced recycling supply chain.
I see no reason but to grant the ITEP Application to ExxonMobil.
Amy Boraks
10/19 04:02pm
I highly encourage the EBR School Board to approve ExxonMobil's ITEP application. By approving this, ExxonMobil will expand in the Baton Rouge community, creating more opportunities and retaining even more jobs. ExxonMobil has continuously supported Baton Rouge schools by investing in further education and training for students. This project will allow them to continue that investment for years and years to come. Opposing this would mean denying much needed financial support for the school system down the road. Think about how the future students of East Baton Rouge Parish can benefit from this, and vote to approve the application tonight.
William Garrett Bell
10/19 04:04pm
Agency/Org: ExxonMobil
Speaking as a member of Agency/Organization only
I am a current employee of ExxonMobil, and I was previously employed as a contractor on the ExxonMobil Baton Rouge Complex from 2007 to 2016, as well. Although I do not reside in East Baton Rouge Parish, I spend a great deal of my time and my income in EBR Parish for sporting events, High School and Middle school events, and miscellaneous other occurrences and needs in Baton Rouge. This ITEP application will extend projects to the ExxonMobil Baton Rouge Complex that are needed and will continue to fund my income and bring much-needed taxes to EBR Parish.
Thank you.
Chad Wayne Hathaway
10/19 04:08pm
I support ExxonMobil bringing investments to Louisiana.
Desirae Randolph
10/19 04:17pm
Agency/Org: None
I oppose Exxon having an industrial tax exemption.
Nicole Dandurand
10/19 04:21pm
Please Vote against this ITEP exemption for Exxon. I emailed boardmember Bellue, my boardmember and did not receive a response. I've spent hours attending meetings where parents like myself have requested more money for teachers, staff, bus drivers, more money for buses with air conditioning. Here it is, some of the funding we desperately need to conduct basic school services. Vote 'no' on this exemption and start solving some of the long standing problems that the board has already identified and discussed. My children, all children of this Parish deserve better. Please include a tally of public comments for and against this exemption.
Tim McCarthy
10/19 04:24pm
ExxonMobil investment will ultimately be accretive for East Baton Rouge schools and the entire area. Attracting major investment from ExxonMobil will result in increased overall economic development in the area that is projected to far exceed any tax incentives. We should be looking at the true long term benefit that this will provide.
Gabriel Johnson
10/19 04:26pm
I am against giving Exxon any tax exemptions. Our school system is already stressed financially given that the system can’t afford to give all employees pay raises without bankrupting the system. It’s not fair to give million dollar organizations tax exemptions when regular citizens and stakeholders don’t have that option.
10/19 04:26pm
I support the ITEP request for Exxon-Mobil's advanced recycling technology projects. Not only will the project contribute millions of dollars in taxes to our area over the long term, it also puts Baton Rouge at the forefront of the petrochemical industry's long-term environmental impact mitigation technology. Lastly, I support any project that produces high-paying jobs in our area, an area that has been decimated by "Brain Drain" to areas like Texas and North Carolina.
Jane Adora Mitchell
10/19 04:33pm
I am opposed to this tax exemption for Exxon. It takes away resources from our children's schools and for what? It doesn't create new jobs. We should not be providing corporate welfare for the wealthiest, most powerful businesses on earth. If their business model is predicated on stripping children of educational resources then they should really pursue a different fucking business model. The real question is will the cowards on the board do the right thing for our kids? I think we already know the answer, but I hope we're wrong.
Kaitlyn Joshua
10/19 04:33pm
Ebr schools is not in position to give a tax exemption to a major corporation that needs to put in their fair share and has full capacity to do so! We need all dollars in order to best serve our students and invest in our district. Do not give a ITEP exemption to Exxon Mobil as this would continue the theme of stripping funding from our students and putting industry first! Vote No!
Brent Dove
10/19 04:35pm
I support ExxonMobil’s ITEP application.
Matthew Lee Cannon
10/19 04:38pm
I vehemently denounce ExxonMobil's audacious plea for a tax break, a request that reeks of corporate greed. In 2022, this corporate behemoth boasted a staggering profit of $55.7 billion, making any plea for further financial relief utterly indefensible.The educators of Baton Rouge find themselves in the unenviable position of ranking 35th in national pay scales, a distressing fact that demands equitable redress. Moreover, our students' safety and well-being hang in the balance as outdated school buses cry out for necessary upgrades, like the provision of air conditioning. Let us not forget that the revenue generated from property taxes extends its benevolence beyond the confines of our educational institutions, supporting essential community services, including public safety and infrastructure development. It is essential to emphasize that ExxonMobil has already been the recipient of generous tax breaks. This is an opportune moment to redirect our focus toward education and community prosperity, a stark contrast to the existing culture of prioritizing corporate entitlement.
Samuel Stroope
10/19 04:38pm
Agency/Org: NA
I am writing to urge you to reject ExxonMobil’s (EM) application for tax exemption in tonight’s school board meeting. Here are some reasons:
1. The investment EM is proposing will not create permanent jobs. EM will operate here regardless.
2. The “compelling reason” was uncompelling.
3. EM is unwilling to ask the board for said item in a public forum where they can hear from parents and the public.
4. EM does not need the exemption given their profits. Yet it dramatically impacts EBR schools negatively.
5. As thanks for our community’s support of EM’s profit margin, EM’s relocation consultants tell professional transplants to Baton Rouge that they “cannot use the public schools.” EM is not a friendly partner in investing in our children or the next generation.
Victor Rabb Cross
10/19 04:45pm
I support innovative projects as part of the manufacturing engine of our economy, especially when it comes to local jobs. Construction jobs should not be valued negatively because of shorter term duration when compared with full-time employee payroll positions. The overall business value to the area economy appears to be high.
Melissa Crockett
10/19 04:59pm
I strongly encourage you to vote NO on the ITEP tax break. This is money that our school board clearly needs to fund projects that are already in the works, projects that we are being told their isn't enough money to fund and projects that arise due to the oversights from the school board in planning processes.
As a parent, I have taught my children the fundamental rules of what I think it means to be a good citizen. Paying taxes are one of those things that I have taught my children are part of the responsibility of being an adult. But the most important part is paying their FAIR SHARE!!! ExxonMobil profited 57 BILLION dollars last year and their CEO makes 210x the salary of the average employee. They DO NOT need another tax break. And what's even more disturbing, is they are asking for this break to fund a project that isn't even coming to Louisiana, nor will it create 1 single permanent job for Louisiana Residents. The writing is clear as day on the wall. NO. Just NO!!!
Kirstin Campo
10/19 05:01pm
I do not agree with the tax exemption for Exxon. This money is needed to fund services across our state!
Laura Bowling
10/19 05:27pm
Ladies and gentlemen of the board, I urge you to reconsider granting Exxon tax breaks meant for funding our public schools. Exxon's record profits and history of evading their fair share make this unjustifiable. We citizens of this city pay our taxes and are expected to contribute a larger share of our earnings than most corporations. Our schools need these funds more than ever, and it's time for Exxon to contribute its fair share to our children and community's future.
Jessica McKelvie Kemp
10/19 05:28pm
Agency/Org: None -- parent
I DO NOT support approval of Exxon's ITEP application. It defies logic that we would grant an exemption to a multi-billion dollar corporation -- that is making huge profits off of our state's natural resources and workforce -- at the expense of our struggling school system -- and ultimately, at the expense of our students and our future. Further, Exxon's "urgent" campaign to garner support for "economic development in Louisiana" is nefariously vague and misleading, and no responses to those polls or petitions should be considered as valid indicators of support for this particular measure, as no information whatsoever was provided re: what respondents would actually be supporting. I hope this is a non-issue, as it is egregiously dishonest and unethical.
Daniel E Keniston
10/19 05:32pm
I strongly oppose allow this ITEP exemption. There is little evidence that these tax break bring jobs to the cities that grant them, and in this case specifically there is no evidence that lowering taxes will have any effect except depriving EBR of necessary funds.
Colette Dean
10/19 05:43pm
Please vote AGAINST the Exxon ITEP on tonight’s agenda.
Exxon has made billions of dollars over the past few
Years and is not in need of a tax break.
Exxon needs to pay school taxes like every one else.
Our school system needs to be robust to have secure options for all families - including Exxon plant workers. EBRP should not be struggling to pay for teachers, bus drivers, cafeteria workers and others when we have a corporation as rich as Exxon in our community. NO tax break!
Jessica Stroope
10/19 05:43pm
Agency/Org: Louisiana State University AgCenter (Cooperative Extension)
Please reject the exemption request--this quite literally steals from our children, our bus drivers, our teachers, and our future. EM is not going anywhere---but they would be fools to *not* ask for the exemption. Please stand with our children and reject the exemption request.
Carolyn Vigie
10/19 05:48pm
Agency/Org: Walmart
I am retired from Exxonmobil with 32 years. During my entire employment it was my pleasure to represent Exxonmobil in many volunteer activities that better our community with regard to gender, race, social status or economic status.
Exxonmobil has over the years poured money into educating the residents surrounding the plant for high paying plant and contractor jobs. I believe with these ITEP savings Exxonmobil will enrich the area and hire more local people.
Exxonmobil is a partner in bettering our community--NOT the enemy!!!!
Frank Canella
10/19 05:53pm
Agency/Org: Turner Industries
ExxonMobil’s ITEP application should be granted. Incentives for industry to invest in Baton Rouge are a great draw to increase overall economic growth. Expansion of industry ExxonMobil or otherwise create jobs, attract talented persons who enter the local workforce, and in the long run increase tax revenue.
Bianca Frank
10/19 06:14pm
Please do not approve this item. The school system needs every dollar available to better the system. Everyone talks about putting kids first but when it comes down to the wire they don't. Exxon does not need this tax break and not receiving it isn't going to make them do less business.
Aukse Joiner
10/19 06:24pm
I oppose giving Exxon the ITEP exemption. Please use the funds for BR schools!!!
Heather Royal
10/19 06:51pm
no to the tax exemption. Exxon themselves literally couldn’t care less. This is a drop in the bucket for them. It’s nothing to them, but real to us. Even though you all have not been good stewards of public funds this is absolutely unacceptable to give them a pass.
But thank you for reminding us they exist, and we need to get more money from them. Y’all let’s storm Exxon like you have the comments sections. Let’s go get the money!
Rebecca Newman
10/19 07:26pm
Please vote no to Exxons ITEP request. Exxon needs to pay taxes to fund our schools. We should not be giving tax exemptions to extremely profitable companies when we do not have basic needs met for our students. Nothing is guaranteed by Exxon and no one will want to move here with the state of our school system. Exxon has enough money to fund these projects. They should be posing their fair share of taxes.