Board Meeting Comments

Meeting 20231005

Meeting 20231005

B8-Contract: Ethics
Catherine H Carmichael
10/05 02:57pm
Please remove this item from the agenda. Why is the Chief of Staff buying basketball shoes? Is this our BIGGEST priority with TIME and RESOURCES? Let's Focus. 1) Where is the data to inform the purchase of shoes and uniforms as the highest need? 2) How will you meet Title 9 requirements by giving shoes to 51 more boys than girls? 3) Why are coaches getting $90 shoes? What about all of the teachers who serve our kids? 4) Please provide information on the bid process. What other entities did you bid out this opportunity to? 5) How does the purchase of shoes meet the "described outcome" ".....activities that align with our designated career pathways." 6) Ethics is a FOR PROFIT shoe company. 7) The Baton Rouge Alliance for Students gave the Langston Galloway Foundation a grant for $10,000 last year. The Baton Rouge Alliance's PAC supported the election of several EBR School Board Members. 8) WHY didn't we use ESSER DOLLARS to improve our gyms?