Board Meeting Comments

Meeting 20240711

Meeting 20240711

1-B1: Selection Of The Superintendent
Sarah Sheikha
07/11 02:48pm
Agency/Org: Parent
The community is in pain at the moment. Trust is essential, and we need you to prioritize what's best over any political agendas. It's crucial to select the right person for this job. If you believe that Adam Smith is NOT that person(although the community has spoken and shared their support for him), then please consider Andrea Zayas. She has emphasized the importance of helping the community heal and collaborating closely with Mr. Smith. Rebuilding the trust of our teachers is a vital first step. Ensuring that teachers feel safe and secure is key to making our children feel the same way.
Kristi Hammatt
07/11 04:51pm
I am asking all members of the board to vote for Adam Smith as our new superintendent.
Phyllis Guiidry
07/11 05:15pm
Please start over with the search. Both of this candidates are lackluster and can’t handle the corrupt central office staff. We don’t need years of jockeying for favors when kids can’t read. Why do we have to pretend that the pool of folks willing to apply are more interesting than what we already have? The board is right to be frustrated, but constantly patronizing the public with daddy-knows-best comments is out of line. In a edemocratic republic representatives saw supposed to represent ty desires of the people not the cowardly sponsors who whisper sweet nothings into your ears and never have to come to the mic. Hard pass on both candidates.
Kelly Johnson
07/11 05:28pm
Like many I was out of town and unable to fully engage in the search. I am very concerned with Mr. George’s relationships with current EBR staff and how that may have influenced their choices over the last few months. But mostly I am concerned that this board won’t have the skill to supervise any superintendent. We are so far poorly ranked because of terrible state and district polic. No superintendent work miracles without a board wlllng to do have things. Please pass on both candidates and beg Mr. Smith to stay. He isn’t a savior, just the choice of the people who comes in to clean up the mess of all the flipped tables.
Jasmine Sholes
07/11 05:38pm
I would like to ask that Adam Smith be appointed as superintendent of this district, because he is for EBR! He is EBR! If he is good enough to hold the district together when you as a board continue to choose wrong leadership, he is great enough to run this district head on. Do think about the way you are treating Adam, a man ready to serve for us against all odds. What if what you are doing to Adam was being done to one of your family members. Have the same empathy for Adam that you would have for one of your very own. It’s wrong to keep using him and not give him a true chance. It’s wrong and it looks bad on the board as a whole that he was out voted while serving as the current interim. There is no time to train up a new superintendent to do what Adam has already proven he is capable and willing to do for this district. It’s time to listen to what the community desires and it’s also time for you all to become apart EBR, because right now it seems like it’s us against you all.
Crystal Ellis
07/11 05:39pm
I stayed home this evening because I’ve been crying all day. I’m concerned that when all is done, the children won’t be well. I am not a Baton Rouge native. This process has been mentally and emotionally exhausting to witness and participate in. I cannot imagine what the impact has been for those who have gone through it far more times than I have. I reached out to the board president and vice-president this evening and covered them, the ENTIRE board, and all affected by their decisions, in prayer. If I’m being honest, it wasn’t easy to pray for some of y’all. But, I know my God is bigger than your political aspirations and the harm you may inflict in your pursuit. I just hope that when all is done, THE CHILDREN ARE WELL.
Cynthia Hill
07/11 06:06pm
Look at the top performing districts in this state. Almost all of them have home grown superintendents. You as a board have hired superintendents from outside of the state and/or outside the district only to fire them yourselves. Isn't it time you take the advice of someone else (the community) since you yourselves have not been successful in choosing a superintendent that can bring an adequate level of progress and stability to this community? Please give Adam Smith an opportunity to lead this district.
Brandon Abidin
07/11 06:17pm
As a District 6 constituent, I'm concerned by Member Rust's parent panel selection in the superintendent selection process. His nomination of Moms for Liberty's co-chair, a group with harmful policies disproportionately affecting students of color– which Mr. Rust vowed to represent– does not represent my views. He doubled down on Facebook that he was giving voice to a majority of his constituents, but had the wherewithal to disable public comment in response, just as he is ignoring public comment in that room where he sits on his phone or on his laptop rather than actively listening to all comments. I urge Mr. Rust and all board members to truly listen to all voices, and make space to those who don't look like them but represent a majority of the students we serve to ensure fair representation and the best education for all in this parish– not just to make noise and fuel ambition for power and potential to set up his breakaway community by causing harm to Baton Rouge on his way out.
Brandon Abidin
07/11 06:29pm
Re-submitting my comment which is germain to 'SELECTION OF THE SUPERINTENDENT' As a District 6 constituent, I'm concerned by Member Rust's role in the SELECTION process. His nomination of local group leader representing harmful policies disproportionately affecting students of color– which Mr. Rust vowed to represent– does not represent my views. He doubled down on his GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL Facebook page stating that he was giving voice to a majority of his constituents, but had the wherewithal to disable comments to respond, just as he is ignoring the public in that room where he sits on his phone or on his laptop rather than actively listening. I urge Mr. Rust and all board members to listen to all voices, and make space to those represent a majority of the students we serve to ensure fair representation and the best education for all in this parish– not just to make noise and fuel ambition for power and potential to set up his breakaway community ruining Baton Rouge on the way out.
Melanie Harris
07/11 06:50pm
I am a parent of EBR kids. I am part of the EBR community. I want radical results. Our school district is failing the vast majority of kids. Someone who is status quo can't bring the change we need. Please pick one of the two candidates who participated in the process who has demonstrated results.
Rochelle Washington Scott
07/11 06:51pm
Agency/Org: Principal
As a former principal who left due to the politics and lack of equity in our education system, I am deeply disappointed by the board's decision not to reinstate Adam Smith on the ballot and to proceed with candidates who lack community support. This decision reflects the privilege and political maneuvering that has long plagued Louisiana’s education system. Our community is tired of decisions made by a predominantly white board that fails to genuinely care for all students. This isn't just about race—it's a war to save our children from predatory behavior that contributes to the school-to-prison pipeline. Adam Smith has a proven track record of addressing disparities and improving outcomes for black and brown students. Bringing in an outsider disconnected from our schools' unique challenges will erode the progress we've made and dismantle the structures that support our public school system. We must push back against these politically driven choices and advocate for leaders like Adam Smith, who are dedicated to fostering a fair and inclusive educational environment for all students.
Fairleigh Cook Jackson
07/11 06:59pm
Hello, Fairleigh cook jackson district 5. Considering the actual item at hand being a vote for Zayas or George. I believe of these two candidates Andrea Zayas has the diverse experience, emotional intelligence to help bring unity to our district, and ability to lead with passion, experience, and a listening ear.
07/11 07:02pm
There is a large number employees who support the board’s decision in the final two candidates l, however we don’t feel comfortable speaking publicly because of fear of being black balled because we don’t feel the same way the majority feel. I support the vote of Mr. George. The district needs change and I’ve witnessed how much he cares for his students and I believe the students of EBR would benefit from his leadership.
Jadon Smith
07/11 07:13pm
I am a teacher within this district. I see what is being done in the public and I see what is being done behind the scenes because I am not ignorant to what is being done. I have been in several different districts and they have done the same thing you are doing. There has to be some accountability not only to the parents, children, teachers but mostly to Jesus. We will have to give account to God about how you handle his children. I don't want to be apart of another man's sin because that means that I agree with what you all are doing...... WHEN WILL THIS HATRED STOP!!!! How do we expect the children to work together, when the adults on this board can not work together......
Ursula Parkerson
07/11 07:13pm
Agency/Org: No
The right decision is Adam Smith. Any other decision is wrong. Without Mr. Smith, we will see another mass exodus of teachers and students. That isn't a threat, it is a proven fact. We didn't want Dr. Narcisse, and we don't want anyone else. We want Mr. Smith.
Rachel Lalonde
07/11 07:17pm
The community has told you, time and time again who we want in that Seat. Adam Smith. PLEASE allow him to continue the good work he has been doing since January.
Dr. Mary Leach
07/11 07:34pm
Agency/Org: Private individual
Based on her interviews, video, knowledge and diverse experiences in my opinion Ms. Andrea Zayas is the candidate who can change the trajectory of East Baton Rouge Parish Public schools which are failing. Change is frightening, though necessary. It is time the passionate individuals who have spoken tonight understand individuals (not unlike so many residents including Adam Smith) are from other communities in and around Louisiana and other states. Let the fight be for academic improvement.
07/11 07:36pm
Hold board members accountable. Read all public comments. Do not use your bias to determine what is germain. And please elect someone tonight. I urge you. DO NOT let the state assign a superintendent when the clock runs out this month.
07/11 08:30pm
Board leadership should be present for the meeting! Do not reschedule unless they are present. Also, if no superintendent is selected, be cautioned that the state superintendent of education Cade Brumley may appoint someone, which my have been the motive the entire time further emasculate and use a Black man like Mr. George as a pawn for a greater purpose or agenda to harm poor students and students of color.
Sarah Brown
07/11 08:46pm
At the very least, Adam Smith should have been given a top 3 finalist spot. However, Adam Smith should not be superintendent. There is too much division, and I am embarrassed. This is setting a dangerous precedent. To the candidates, thank you for your time and patience. We need to select the next superintendent from the other two candidates. EBR School Board, you have a tough task, and as always, keep the students, teachers, and community first! Carla Powell Lewis and Nathan Rust, I heard your sentiments even though those sentiments are different. Keep fighting the good fight for our students.
07/11 08:54pm
This entire board is an embarrassment! The grand standing is embarrassing! What happens when Mr. Smith still isn’t elected as the next Superintendent will the majority still be able to hold the board hostage? What about the students? It’s clear Mr. Smith isn’t the board’s choice, then why can’t we just move on? I agree with the other candidate that spoke. Look at other candidates.

2-C1: Amended Job Descriptions
Dr Mary Leach
07/11 08:19pm
Madam Board President Powell Lewis I appreciate your understanding of my voice and my silence. For the record: I am Dr Mary Boissiere Leach (not Beach). No worries

07/11 08:33pm
Board leadership should be present for the meeting! Do not reschedule unless they are present or you are complicit in dysfunction. Also, if no superintendent is selected, be cautioned that the state superintendent of education Cade Brumley may appoint someone, which my have been the motive the entire time– further emasculating and using a Black man like Mr. George as a pawn for a greater purpose or agenda to harm poor students and students of color.
Bran A
07/11 08:46pm
Do not hold the meeting on Monday! Reschedule it when there is a quorum AND board leadership present. And consider the impact on the budget which you still cannot balance and the litigation fees that will need to be paid out if you do not make a selection by July 23. That money could be going to teacher pay raises to educate our kids and not more contracts which some may argue those on the board and their families are benefiting from – not directly but through subcontracts for painting, for example.