Meeting 20250130
B2: Subscription: Alliance Technology Group
L Williams
01/30 05:11pm
Metal detectors are not being used effectively at a local school. While students go through metal detectors in the morning, those who arrive after school starts are not subjected to bag searches or metal detector screenings. Additionally, metal detectors are not utilized during game days or after-school events, creating a significant safety concern.
Following any safety incident, the school district should be transparent with the public about how a weapon was able to bypass security. A detailed report of the situation should be made publicly available. In September 2024, it was announced that the district was working on a new comprehensive security plan. What is the current status of that plan?
01/30 05:42pm
While I understand the intent to enhance security, I believe it's crucial to examine the full scope of costs involved.
The memorandum outlines the financial expenditure for the detectors themselves, but it's silent on the critical aspect of human capital. Effective school safety requires more than machines; it necessitates trained personnel who can monitor, respond, and intervene in real-time.
I urge the board to consider the following:
Manned vs. Unmanned: What is the comparative cost analysis of employing trained security personnel versus relying solely on unmanned detectors?
Investing in human capital is not merely an expenditure; it's an investment in prevention, timely intervention, and the overall well-being of our students. I implore the board and EBR Leadership to prioritize a comprehensive approach to school safety that values both technology and the indispensable role of human intervention.
B3: Partnership Agreement: Third Future Schools
James FInney
01/30 05:34pm
Agency/Org: East Baton Rouge Parish School System
IDEA has chosen to surrender its charter and should not be allowed to dictate the terms of that surrender.
These students would be better served by the schools operated by EBRPSS employees in neighborhoods throughout the district.
If you enter enter this agreement with Third Futures, it is important to be clear the exact identity of the contracting organization. What state are they domiciled in? Are they non-profit or for-profit? Is there a board that meets regularly and follows Open Meetings Laws?
It should also be clear that the Superintendent has proposed a one-year management agreement. These schools should not be considered charter schools during this year. Also, there should be no assumption that the services of Third Futures will be required after July 2026. Furthermore, the school should receive a new site code and a new name that includes neither the word "IDEA" nor "Third Futures."
B4: Partnership Agreement: French and Montessori Education Incorporated d/b/a Audubon Schools
James FInney
01/30 05:59pm
IDEA has chosen to surrender its charter and should not be allowed to dictate the terms of that surrender.
These students would be better served by the schools operated by EBRPSS employees in neighborhoods throughout the district.
Does this organization intend to ever hold its board meetings in Baton Rouge, or recruit Baton Rouge residents to serve on the board? Or will it be just like Collegiate and Discovery, run by New Orleans residents for the alleged benefit of Baron Rouge?
It should also be clear that the Superintendent has proposed a one-year management agreement. If a school is operated on the Bridge Campus in 2025-26, it should be clearly understood that it is not a charter school. Also, there should be no assumption that the services of the Audubon organization will be required after July 2026. Furthermore, the school should receive a new site code and a new name that includes neither the word "IDEA" nor "Audubon."