Board Meeting Comments

Meeting 20240123

Meeting 20240123

B1: Superintendent Resignation
Lindsay Leblanc
01/23 04:23am
Does this release impact law suits or investigations? Who can be held responsible for the day of hope investigation in the event of penalty? What if the rumored investigation into City Year Baton Rouge receiving contract funding based on a personal relationship between the resigned and the director of city year? What of auditing for activities in the lead up to this decision? Remaining on payroll while insulated from accountability for previous, current or future improprieties seems concerning at best reckless at worst. Is 5 months severance and a legal backed wiping of the slate of performance a standard offer for parish employees? Will these same protections be afforded to other officials that may face investigation? What precedent is being set for organization heads to receive funding?
Emily Lind
01/23 11:31am
I do not support a contract buyout in exchange for Dr. Narcisse’s resignation. The funds that remain could and should be redistributed to pay bus drivers, teachers, and other school support personnel.

B2: Interim Superintendent Appointment
Ashley Ballard
01/23 09:04am
I support Adam Smith as Interim Superintendent. Mr. Smith has not only been waiting, but working diligently in the wings & would be a Superintendent our district would be proud of. He’s served as Interim previously & was someone who listened to teachers, parents, schools & the community. He’s someone who can reunite us & move us forward! He’s always listened & acted to address our concerns. He has a proven record of success over two decades of service to our district. That’s why he’s trusted by students, parents, & teachers alike. Since the announcement of Mr. Smith as interim, several administrators & teachers have reached out asking that we support him. HE IS WHO THEY WANT. That’s saying something! Additionally, I would ask that you would remove the clause from his proposed contract that would prevent him for being considered for Superintendent in a long-term capacity. If we are a district who truly wants to hire the best person for the job, we need to keep all options on the table.
Mary Juneau
01/23 10:01am
Agency/Org: Parent & Advocate
I am requesting that you modify the contract with Adam Smith to remove section V and to allow him to apply for the position of permanent Superintendent. I would prefer that you just appoint him now. Adam Smith brings a sense of peace and order to our school district. He is experienced and knowledgeable. Mr. Smith has been a parent in our district. He currently has a grandchild enrolled in our schools. I do not know him personally, but this commitment of his own family speaks volumes about the faith he has in our schools. You have his professional credentials. He has the required classroom experience that will not require you to hire another person to make up for his lack. Mr. Smith is willing to enter into this role despite the overspending of the last three years. Our district simply lacks the funds for a wide search. Much of your work and his will be focused on repairing the budget shortfall. MR. Smith has what it takes for this district to master the basics of education. I urge
Sarah Kirkpatrick
01/23 10:32am
I am disappointed that Adam Smith will not be considered for the permanent position of superintendent. He is qualified and both invested in and respected by our community.
Fairleigh Cook Jackson
01/23 10:35am
I support the appointment of Mr. Adam Smith as interim superintendent. Mr. Smith has repeatedly proven his effective leadership and dedication to EBRPSS and our community.
Ernie Ballard
01/23 11:33am
Agency/Org: Parent
Adam Smith is the best person the full the role as interim head of EBR schools and I applaude you for this decision. However, it is short-sides and reeks of political and business interference to have the clause included that he not be able to apply for the full time position. For years our district has been splintered based on policital and business interest interfering with what’s best for our students and teachers. It’s time to move past this and get a solid leader in place who can mend fences and focus on what’s most important: the students. If you keep this clause, you are once again creating unnecessary distractions and scrutiny, showing that you don’t have the best interest of the students and teachers in mind. The board itself is splintered so you all need to come together and make the best decision for the district and that’s to allow Adam Smith to lead and apply for the position should he be interested.
jane goodman
01/23 12:40pm
Adam Smith is a problem solver who can calmly and wisely think outside the box. he should be strongly encouraged to apply for the permanent job as he would be an excellent choice.
Mrs. Anita Dick
01/23 05:54pm
It should be greatly considered if Mr. Smith is appointed interim superintendent once again when there will be a superintendent search to follow. Would there be a need for him to be appointed when the board may choose and vote for another full-time, official superintendent candidate like was done last time? Maybe a Deputy Superintendent role should be implemented full-time for situations like these.
Fred Hampton
01/23 06:51pm
Please remove the clause that stops him from being able apply. We need unity in this time making up for the ESSER spending free for all.