Board Meeting Comments

Meeting 20240724

Meeting 20240724

1-B1: Interview Selection Process
Fairleigh Cook Jackson
07/24 03:40pm
Please consider Dr. Verna Ruffin to advance to an interview. I found her impressive from the get-go and I’m so grateful that she has kept her name in this process moving forward. She has vast teaching, principal, and superintendent experience with proven success and an understanding of the difficulties and challenges that we face - as she addressed in her interview video. She has deep roots in louisiana, and clearly indicated a desire to come home and serve our children. I had requested her to advance from the beginning, and I am now requesting she be advanced to be given an interview. Thank you for your consideration.
Miguel Herrera
07/24 03:46pm
No one without a strong majority should proceed. Shout to Mr Smith for stepping aside, so we can move forward. That's leadership. We are relived Dr. Narcisse came to his senses and withdrew. We hope those who encouraged him to reapply find peace and healing. One of the whites should sit out as whites are over-represented on this board. No one without a representative majority should be considered. End this mockery now. We need to heal and we need a superintendent. Please just pick Mr. Cole and let's get rolling for the kids. As you can see the by LEAP scores we need some executive directors and "experts" need to be removed NOW and stalling this process hurts kids and leaves dysfunctional people in their same jobs year after year.
Sarah Sheikha
07/24 03:53pm
Agency/Org: Parent
As a supporter of teachers, I encourage you to consider interviewing Dr. Ruffin and Dr. James Finney. Dr. Ruffin, who calls Louisiana home, demonstrates a deep appreciation for teachers and recognizes the need for healing and unity within our community, as seen in her video interview. Dr. Finney possesses an in-depth understanding of our district and is keenly aware of the community's needs and desires. He is committed to collaborating closely to enable teachers to perform at their best and to ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn. Our leaders have struggled with transparency and accountability and Dr Finney is always there to point it out.
Sarah Keller
07/24 03:57pm
We hope this isn't a game and goal here is intended to include and not exclude Mr. Smith, recognizing the path towards healing includes Adam Smith. Mr. Smith has the skills to work masterfully with any new leader, if it is the pleasure of the board to chose Lamont Cole, you may find a new dynamic unparalleled after years of chaos and division.
Colleen Kissel
07/24 04:18pm
Nice to know that you were lying yesterday when you said that you did not pick a superintendent at the monday meeting with Brumley. But also nice to see that you are not pretending anymore by interviewing anyone else. I read all of the resumes between noon and this meeting and I'm insulted that you would waste all of our time by even pretending to open this to anyone.
Hannah birchman
07/24 04:30pm
After listening to many of the interviews I urge the board to consider Dr Ruffin as a candidate for the position of superintendent. She has extensive experience as an educator and leading school districts as a superintendent .During Covid she worked with the unions to find ways to fill teaching gaps that allowed teachers to have choice in larger class sizes, and teaching extra classes while also offering fair compensation. She created pathways to teaching positions for paras and substitutes as well as with local college students. When teachers leave a district she is concerned with understanding why, as that is essential to being able to retain teachers. The district needs a leader that knows what it is like to be an educator, and who respects teachers. If you have the support and buy-in from our educators we will no doubt see improvements across the board.
Demetris Y Blakes
07/24 05:37pm
As a retired EBRPSS employee, I had the privilege of collaborating with Mr. Cole in various roles within the district, as well as through his council office's partnership on the annual Back to School Expo. Mr. Cole possesses an extraordinary ability to connect with individuals from all backgrounds. His genuine and approachable nature makes him immensely popular among students, staff, and community members. Mr. Cole's dedication to his role at CSAL is truly exceptional. His commitment to student success is evident in countless ways, such as personally writing over 200 encouraging messages to students ahead of the LEAP test. This tireless effort demonstrates his unwavering belief in every child's potential. Given his proven track record and deep understanding of the district, it is clear that Mr. Cole is uniquely qualified to lead EBRPSS into a brighter future
Roshonda Hanible
07/24 06:57pm
I understand your sentiments, Mr. Rust ..... I do not disagree #here we go again; politicking is rearing its ugly head again. I agree with VP Martin. The process of negotiations was changed several months ago, and the change was presented and voted upon by the Board. That's that ..... Trust the process. Past presidents and/or other board members are not needed at the table for the negotiation meeting. Board Leadership, along with General Counsel, is sufficient. Board Members, please do not send us backwards and further stall or extend the process. I concur with Mr. Martin's rationale. I beg of this board, let's continue to get through this process peacefully and progressively. Trust the process. How will and can we move forward with newer beginnings? Trust is what will move us forward. Please be reminded that the agreed-upon contract for the Superintendent will be presented to the whole Board for review and final vote. #Trust
Dale W. Flowers
07/24 07:10pm
I am in full support of Bro. LaMont Cole to serve as superintendent of East Baton Rouge Parish’s School System. I’m not pleased that he will no longer be hands on at CSAL, Madison Prep and no longer Mayor-Pro-Tem of our city parish. But I’m excited that he’ll be in his dream job. Board members the distrust among you is disheartening. Y’all should take a a moment and practice standing in front of one another close your eyes and fall back into the arms of your colleagues. Please prove my thoughts wrong and catch each other. In closing, thanks for giving the people what they want. Dale W. Flowers
Paramount Lady
07/24 07:13pm
And now, the friendly/substitute motion has been withdrawn, but it's evident and still remains: there is no trust among this board. We are on the cusp of new beginnings, and now is the time to unite and build trust. Please reflect upon what Mr. Cole said. Let's engage, let's trust, and bridge the gap so we can grow together, grow forward and not continue to grow apart.
Roshonda Hanible
07/24 08:13pm
I understand your sentiments, Mr. Rust ..... I do not disagree #here we go again; politicking is rearing its ugly head again. I agree with VP Martin. The process of negotiations was changed several months ago, and the change was presented and voted upon by the Board. That's that ..... Trust the process. Past presidents and/or other board members are not needed at the table for the negotiation meeting. Board Leadership, along with General Counsel, is sufficient. Board Members, please do not send us backwards and further stall or extend the process. I concur with Mr. Martin's rationale. I beg of this board, let's continue to get through this process peacefully and progressively. Trust the process. How will and can we move forward with newer beginnings? Trust is what will move us forward. Please be reminded that the agreed-upon contract for the Superintendent will be presented to the whole Board for review and final vote. #Trust
Kay Batiste
07/24 08:17pm
As a kid when Mr. Cole came to Westdale Middle he came with a level of respect for all kids and as a child myself at the time that meant the world! He definitely changed the morale of the school! I support! CONGRATULATIONS MR COLE!!!
Paramount Lady
07/24 08:18pm
Thank you, Board Members, for withdrawing the friendly and substitute amendments. Board, please take heed of Mr. Cole's phrase: Let's engage and Bridge the Gap. It all begins with trust!
Dale W. Flowers
07/24 08:50pm
I stand in total agreement with your selection of Brother LaMont Cole as Superintendent of the East Baton Rouge School System. I’m saddened that he’ll no longer be hands on at CSAL and serving as Mayor-Pro-Tem of East Baton Rouge Parish. I continue to be disheartened with the lack of trust some board have towards other members. I’m fearful that if you all performed the trust exercise of falling into each other’s arms some of you would allow other members to fall. I’m also in agreement with creating the deputy superintendent position and fully support Mr. Adam Smith to serve in this capacity. You have given this community what they wanted in Brother LaMont Cole now continue to give the people what they want in the deputy superintendent position.

2-B1: Deputy Superintendent Appointment
07/24 04:05pm
Agency/Org: n/a
Please have someone in this role who is for everyone and doesn't have a political agenda. Having political agendas over the future of students and teachers is why this role now exists. When you can't do what you were elected to do, Jeff Landry who can't even keep campaign promises to wealthy donors will send his crew to fix a mess that should've never existed. If Lamont was chosen for Superintendent, Dr. Finney should be chosen as Deputy and vice versa.
Andrell Ward
07/24 08:19pm
Agency/Org: Sisters of Sophistication,Inc
Congratulations Mr. Cole from Sisters of Sophistication, Inc.
Paige Lowry
07/24 08:39pm
Agency/Org: Moms for Liberty
I’m very happy to see the board come to a consensus and the public can start to heal. Congratulations to The new superintendent Mr.Cole and also to Mr Adam Smith. While myself and my organization has been villainized through this entire process my heart is full in seeing the board and community members end this process with everyone happy with the final decision being made today that will be in the best interest of the children in the EBR school system. Please know myself and our organization is happy to support and help in any way we can to move EBR forward for the betterment of all children across this district.
Bob Dobbs
07/24 08:39pm
This appointment reeks of quid pro quo for Mr. Smith's endorsement of Mr. Cole.
Wade Guillory
07/24 08:41pm
Agency/Org: EBR Teacher
What more needs to be said that haven't been said over the last 6 months? Mr. Adam Smith has shown over the past 28 years he's the man for the job. He's shown over his time as superintendent that he is the man for the job. He just showed you at the mic moments ago that he's the man! Now give him the opportunity to assist Mr. Cole and all of EBR.
Crystal Ellis
07/24 08:47pm
Simply- I have a GREAT deal of Mr. Smith but I am inclined to agree with my board representative, Nathan Rust, for all of the reasons that he stated.
Crystal Ellis
07/24 08:53pm
Disregard my previous comment. I’m rolling with Finney.

2-B2: Superintendent Schools Appointment
Cheri Rodgers
07/24 12:21pm
LEAP scores came out and several schools saw significant declines, but will have the same literacy coaches, same magnet coordinators, same assistant principals, that have been there for YEARS? Some sites need staff changes NOW, BEFORE the first day. And school with more than a 2-3 point drop needs to have shake ups before the first day of school. Waiting for a superintendent appointment hurts kids. We need a superintendent who is team player, not a narcissist. We cannot keep people in positions because certain people in central office protects them when it costs the outcomes of real children for YEARS. Mr. Lamont Cole can and has worked with Mr. Smith for years and also had a child in the system recently. Just as simply changing out ONE principal does nothing, setting up this leadership team would set an example. Having an outsider with strong community support very well may the compromise we need to address these schools that need more than a new principal before day
Amanda Brown
07/24 03:07pm
As an educator within the district for the past 10 years, I stand in support of Adam Smith. However, I understand that he has withdrawn his name from consideration. I want to say that I do not support Sito's attempt to return to EBR. We as a district should be moving forward in a direction that is in the best interests of the students and teachers. There is a saying that states children learn best from their teachers when they feel loved and supported. This is true of teachers as well, we work better with administration that listens and supports their teachers, and this is not Mr. Sito Narcisse.
07/24 04:00pm
Agency/Org: n/a
I wish y'all would get this done. I'm a product of EBR, one who started out in special ed who has a law named after me this parish has yet to implement dealing with the most fatal mental illness, Act 626 of 2022 regular session. By that, I know that failing to follow state law is nothing new for the school board in this parish but enough is enough. I've done my best to bite my tongue, but this search process is nothing short of dysfunctional and embarrassing. Get it together so Jeff Landry doesn't have to come do y'alls job for you. At this point, your best choices are either Dr. Finney or Lamont Cole. Sito failed and Adam got tired of the political games. PS: I kept straight A's in math b/c of Ms. Porter and her sacrifice to Dial A Teacher so when she speaks, y'all would be wise to listen. Have a good night.
Bill Smith
07/24 04:08pm
I respectfully urge the board to reconsider Mr. Lamont Cole's candidacy for Superintendent of the East Baton Rouge Parish School System. His current roles as Mayor-Pro Tem of the Baton Rouge Metro Council and as the principal and chief academic officer of the CSAL charter school present significant conflicts of interest that could impede his ability to fully commit to the superintendent responsibilities. Additionally, Mr. Cole's involvement in the St. George lawsuit as a plaintiff and his current status as a defendant in another case, as a member of the Metro Council, raise concerns about potential biases that may influence his decisions and policies affecting residents and schools in St. George. While Mr. Cole is an accomplished educator, his political ties may exacerbate the existing political divisions within our city and school board. It is crucial that our next superintendent be someone who can rise above these divisions and focus solely on the educational needs of our students.
Danielle Brown
07/24 04:35pm
I first met Mr. Cole in 2005 as a 7th grader at Westdale Middle where he was my assistant principal, challenging all of his students to strive for excellence and reach our full potential. Growing up in Eden Park, a community Mr. Cole has diligently represented on the city council, I lacked role models who looked like me, but Mr. Cole filled that gap, willingly writing every letter of recommendation for scholarships and college applications that I asked him for. 20 years later, I still greet him as "Mr. Cole,” even though he insists I call him LaMont now, but he will forever be my assistant principal. As his former student, a product of District 5, and now a resident of District 6, I urge the board to select LaMont Cole as our next superintendent. Every child, regardless of their zip code, deserves access to a world-class education, a nurturing learning environment, and inspiring leadership. It is their birthright, and LaMont Cole is the leader who can make that a reality.
Crystal Ellis
07/24 04:58pm
To our board, I have been asking for some time now, HOW ARE THE CHILDREN? This evening is the first in some time, that I am hopeful that the CHILDREN WILL BE WELL. I look forward to SUPPORTING Brother Cole as he moves this district forward. Your consideration for what is best for the children is evident this evening.
Mary Duhnam
07/24 05:00pm
We are ready. Thank you all for these improved climate. Please do appoint Lamont Cole. Some of those, "directors" have been switching job descriptions every 6 months and nobody knows what they do. We cannot afford to send folks to "conferences" at resorts who can't help the schools they claim to serve. This is the leadership we need. Too many executive directors, literacy coaches, magnet directors, are taking pay checks with no accountability when we have empty classrooms need their skills. Yes, this is the leadership we need.
Demetris Y Blakes
07/24 05:46pm
As a retired EBRPSS employee, I had the privilege of collaborating with Mr. Cole in various roles within the district, as well as through his council office's partnership on the annual Back to School Expo. Mr. Cole possesses an extraordinary ability to connect with individuals from all backgrounds. His genuine and approachable nature makes him immensely popular among students, staff, and community members. Mr. Cole's dedication to his role at CSAL is truly exceptional. His commitment to student success is evident in countless ways, such as personally writing over 200 encouraging messages to students ahead of the LEAP test. This tireless effort demonstrates his unwavering belief in every child's potential. Given his proven track record and deep understanding of the district, it is clear that Mr. Cole is uniquely qualified to lead EBRPSS into a brighter future
Serafin Nunez
07/24 05:47pm
Despite weeks of promises about "transparency" and and cries from union leaders for a more "democratic process," the board has chosen to appoint its own candidate through non-transparent means and backroom deals. Regardless of the candidate's qualifications, this approach undermines the integrity of the process. Shame on you.
Jonah Brown
07/24 06:11pm
The community is on board. We all hope EBR Schools opens a form to nominate staff who might need some help redirecting their career paths. Here to help! Let's get this done and get moving!
Dr. Devin Wright
07/24 06:36pm
I want to take the opportunity to publicly support Mr. Lamont Cole. After all, that's what he, and other mentors, taught me as a young man in the Young Leader's Academy in the 90s and early 2000s. "If you don't speak up for what you stand for in society then society will never give you the chance to stand up and speak!" I am confident that he will lead the district with distinction. As a resident of and pastor in District 5 and as a 12 year educator, I am intimately aware of some of the struggles our system faces and how those struggles simultaneously impact and are impacted by the issues within the surrounding community. I sincerely hope the board members, present and future, will commit to centering students in every agenda item and will work to collaboratively build an equitable environment where students can safely matriculate through our system and graduate with choices and opportunities. This process was unnecessarily ugly, but tomorrow can be beautiful.
Hannah birchman
07/24 06:39pm
The board once again demonstrated that they cannot be trusted. A process was set forth last night and then changed immediately today. What does it matter if the board is united or not if we cannot trust you to do what you say you will do? All of this was a show. Mr Cole congratulations. I wish the best for you, our teachers and students,
07/24 07:00pm
Agency/Org: n/a
I'm highly supportive of Lamont Cole becoming the eternal superintendent of EBR. If anyone can fix the dysfunction at this point it's your current Mayor Pro Temp. Sitting outside the school board meeting he not knowing me offered me his seat. When I went to the metro council meeting to support Councilman Hurst on not putting a forensic psych in spitting distance of a school, he let me know he'd make sure I got home if necessary. That speaks volumes to me like Ms. Porter's sacrifice on Dial A Teacher kept me with straight A's in math has stuck with me forever. I started out in special ed, now advocating in the legislature for vulnerable populations. Anything is possible and the kids of this parish need someone who believes in them and teachers deserve someone they can work with that understands their struggles... Lamont is the perfect person now. Congratulations to a sacrificial servant on the job of your dreams.
Fairleigh Cook Jackson
07/24 07:02pm
This is my comment, please read it: Costello: That's what I want to find out. I want you to tell me the names of the fellows on the S.t Louis team. Abbott: Im' telling you. Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know is on third- Costello: You know the fellows' names? Abbott: Yes. Costello: Well, then who's playing first? Abbott: Yes. Costello: I mean the fellow's name on first base. Abbott: Who. Costello: The fellow playin' first base. Abbott: Who. Costello: The guy on first base. Abbott: Who is on first. Costello: Well, what are you askin' me for? Abbott: I'm not asking you--I'm telling you. Who is on first. Costello: I'm asking you--who's on first? Get it together board.
Mo Johnson
07/24 07:40pm
I’m glad Mr. Cole is receiving his flowers tonight, but I fear that the moment he disagrees with the board you all will turn on him like you’ve done in the past with previous superintendents. I’ve also heard Mr. Cole speak about teachers all night, but, I hope Mr. Cole remembers all of the support workers who are in the district because they are often overlooked and underpaid and under appreciated. Teachers are awesome, but please remember they do not carry this district alone!
Wade Raney Guillory
07/24 07:54pm
Agency/Org: EBR Teacher
This has gone on long enough. Let's get the vote on so we can get on about the real business of getting a new school year started. It's already obvious that everyone except Rust will vote for Mr. Cole, so let's stop all the talking and get about wrapping this up. I met Mr. Cole in 2003 during grad school at THE Southern University. He was a GOAT then and will continue to be a GOAT for all of EBR. Welcome to EBR Mr. Cole. Come on up and take the BIG CHAIR!!!
Edris Follins Patterson
07/24 08:16pm
I would like to congratulate Mr. Lamont Cole on walking in his purpose. My mother and special father, Charles T and Eula V. Smith would have been so proud of you. Will be praying for your continued success.
Edna Brown Coleman
07/24 08:18pm
Agency/Org: Love Alive
This comment is to recognize something done right tonight. Mr Cole has been a beacon of hope and leadership for years in Baton Rouge. Mr Smith has been stellar in standing in each time he has been called on and it would be ignorant to recognize him, thank him and be grateful for his wisdom and humility. Mr Cole, as an EBR parent, mother, business woman and one who benefits from your school supply events and love for community, I am excited to witness THIS MOMENT!! This process reminds me a lot of the movie Lean on Me!! We don’t want another meeting, we want Mr. Cole!! The desires of your heart have been heard. Continue to LIFT AS YOU CLIMB!! Continue to show your tenacity and compassion for our children and families. You are our champion. Welcome home TO EBR!!!
Paige Lowry
07/24 08:25pm
Agency/Org: Moms for Liberty EBR
I’m very happy to see the board come to a consensus and the public can start to heal. Congratulations to The new superintendent and also to Mr Adam Smith. While myself and my organization has been villainized through this entire process my heart is full in seeing the board and community members end this process with everyone happy with the final decision being made today that will be in the best interest of the children in the EBR school system. Please know myself and our organization is happy to support and help in any way we can to move EBR forward for the betterment of all children across this district.