NOTE: Only meetings/items for which online public comments have been submitted are listed in this index.
1-B1: School Closure-J.K. Haynes
2-D2:Professional Service Contract-District Management Group
2-D3:Professional Services Contract-First Choice Therapy
2-D4:Contract-First Student Inc.
1-B1: Resolution: ITEP
2-D1: Oversight Committee Financial Update
2-D3: Amended Policies
F7: Amended Policy: BCB
D6: Amended Policy: BCB
F10: Amended Policies
B2: RFP Selection: Data Aggregation
2-B1: Minutes
2-I1: Budget Revision-Child Nutrition
1-B1: Superintendent Contract
2-C1: Hourly Rate-University Students
2-D10:Professional Services Contract: Studyville
2-D11:Professional Services Contract: Baton Rouge Youth Coalition (BRYC)
2-D12: Professional Services Contract: City Year
2-D14: Professional Services Contract: Amplify
2-D15: Professional Services Contract: Renaissance Learning
2-D16: Professional Services Contract: Dreambox Learning
2-D19: Contract Amendment: HES
2-D4: 2024-2025 Salary Schedule Amendment: Registered School Nurses
2-D5: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): Junior Achievement
2-D7:Professional Services Contract: Kids Orchestra
1-B1: Interview Selection Process
2-B1: Deputy Superintendent Appointment
2-B2: Superintendent Schools Appointment
B1: Superintendent Application Extension
E1: Selection Of The Superintendent
E2: Amended Job Descriptions
1-B1: Selection Of The Superintendent
2-C1: Amended Job Descriptions
B1: Selection of Superintendent Finalists
F2: Timeline
B1: Selection of Superintendent Applicants
B2: Timeline
1-B1: Timeline and Process
H2: Resolution
2-C2: New Job Descriptions
2-C3: Amended Job Descriptions
3-C1: BRFLAIM Early Childcare
3-C2: BRCVPA Early Childcare
3-C3: Capitol Elementary Childcare
4-C2: School Closure and Relocation
5-C1: RFQQ Selection
F1-2024-2025 School Calendar
1-C1-PSC: Emergent Method Consulting
Advertising for EBR Superintendent Position
C3: Policy Revision-Sick Leave Bank
I1: ITEP Application: Bopot, LLC
I2: ITEP Application: BBP Sales, LLC
B1: Superintendent Resignation
B2: Interim Superintendent Appointment
B1: Minutes
1-B2: Superintendent Contract Renewal
1/B2: superintendent contract renewal
G1-Professional Services Contract
G9-Contract: Ethics
H1-ITEP Application: Exxon Mobil
I1-ITEP Application: Exxon Mobil
B8-Contract: Ethics
F3: Appointment
1-B1: Recovery of Instructional Minutes
C1-Modify School Start and End Times
C2-PSC-Routing Software
C3-Overtime: Mechanics
C5-Stipend Payment Schedule
B2: Transportation
B1: Budget Selection
2: C1-Superintendent Contract Negotiation
B1-Proposed 2023-2024 General Fund Budget
C3: Revised Budget
G13: Resolution: Magnet Enrollment Applicatio
E4: National Magnet Schools Month
C1: RFP-EBR Magazine
C2: Grant-Lion Electric Company
C3: PSC-Amplify Addendum
C4: Resolutions-Special Counsel
C5: Stipend-ESS & ELL Teachers
C1: BASIS Materra Charter Renewal
C3: Innovation IDEA Public School Charter Ren
C4: Bridge IDEA Public School Charter Renewal
C4: innovation IDEA Public School Charter Ren
C5: The Emerge School For Autism Charter Rene
G1: Agreement
G2: Professional Services Contracts: General
B1-Closing of Nominations for Board President
B2-Closing of Nominations for Board Vice-Pres
D8: Bid: Wildwood Elementary Tax Plan Project
F1: Resolution-ICARE
G11: Policies and Policy Revisions
G8: Eliminated Job Descriptions
C11: Resolution-Day of Hope Investigation
F6: Adoption/Ratification of Redistricting Pl
G2: Pupil Progression
C2: Superintendents Performance Objectives an
C4: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): Baton
F1: Professional Services Contract: Arizona S
G8: Charter Contract Renewal: Helix Mentorshi
G9: Policy-BCB
H2: ITEP-International Mezzo Technologies Inc
H3: Teacher Sign-On Bonus
2-B1: 2022-2023 Proposed General Fund Budget
4-C3: School Relocation: Brownfields Element
4-C5: Professional Services Contract: Arizona
B1: 2022-2023 Proposed General Fund Budget
Public Comments
F1: Job Descriptions
F4:Grade Configuration-Kenilworth
F6: Expenditures-Pathways to Bright Futures
G15: Memorandum of Understanding-Pre-K Expans
C21: Stipend
C12-Policy: EFAA-Employee Use of Social Media
E2-Staffing Model
B1 (PH): Redistricting Discussion
B1 (PH): Redistricting Discussion
G1-Facility Management Services
J6: Redistricting: Process
C1:Amended Redistricting Plan Timeline
C2: Selection of Maps
D10: RFP-Transportation Software
D8: 2022-2023 School Year Calendar
H1: Cooperative Endeavor Agreement
D1: Stipend
D2: Expansion of Mandarin Program
E1: Election of President of the East Baton R
C1: Redistricting Timeline
D1: Focus Choice School Partnership with Bat
D2: Focus Choice School Partnership with LSU
I7: Professional Services Contract
D6: Professional Services Contract
H4: Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP)
I2: Broadmoor Middle School Site
D10: Charter Contract: Great Hearts Louisiana
D11: Charter School Contract Extensions
D12: Superintendent Performance Target
D2: Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP)
D3: Grants: ESSER
D9: Broadmoor Middle School Site
J2: ITEP Application-Coca-Cola Bottling Compa
I1: COVID-19 Status Monitoring and Testing
I3: COVID-19 Learning Loss Professional Devel
D9: COVID19 Procedures & Reopening
H1: Broadmoor Middle School Program and Grade
I19: 2021-2022 Student Rights and Responsibil
D9: Professional Services Contracts
K3: 2020-2021 Charter School Application: Ke
K4: 2020-2021 Charter School Application: Ba
K5: 2020-2021 Charter School Application: Gr
D14: Job Positions/Descriptions
D1: 2021-2022 Property and Casualty Insurance
D9: EBR Virtual School Grade Level Expansion
H1: Revised 2021-2022 School Year Calendar
I11: Consolidate and Move School Sites
I12: Contract: Collaborative for Academic, So
I13: Job Positions and Descriptions
D11: Consolidate and Move School Sites
D12: Contract: Collaborative for Academic, So
D13: One-Time Supplement
D14: Revised 2021-2022 School Year Calendar
D15: Job Positions and Descriptions
D1: Grants
D9: Naming of New School at University Terrac
D3: 2021-2022 School Year Calendar
I5: Request for Proposal (RFP)-Reapportionmen
J1: ITEP Application-Exxon Mobil
C1: Resolution (Special Meeting)
C2: Strategic Plan Agreement (Special Meetin
D4: Request for Proposal (RFP)-Reapportionmen
E3: Resolution National School Counseling We
I7: ITEP Guidelines
J3: Job Positions and Descriptions
D6: ITEP Guidelines
C1: Selection of The Superintendent
C1: Town Hall-Adam Smith
Town Hall-Adam Smith
Town Hall-Sito Narcisse
Town Hall-Marla Sheppard
Town Hall-Adam Smith
Town Hall-Sito Narcisse
Town Hall-Marla Sheppard
H1: Contract: The Emerge Center
H2: Relocation of EBR Readiness (HS) Campus
H3: Inspire Charter Academy School Contract R
I4: Bond Resolution
J1: Selection of Superintendent Applicants
J2: Land Purchase: South Baton Rouge
D10: Litigation
D3: Bond Resolution
D4: Inspire Charter Academy School Contract R
D5: Construction of Belfair Montessori Magnet
D6: Relocation of EBR Readiness (HS) Campus
D7: Policy-Water Access
D9: Contract: The Emerge Center
C1: Minutes
C1: Minutes
D1: Resolution-ICare
H5: Bid/Contract-LaBelle Aire Building Additi
I2: Superintendent Resignation
I3: Resolution Superintendent Search
I3: Superintendent Search
I4: Advertising for Superintendent Position
I5: Superintendent Search Firm
I6: Appointment of an Interim Superintendent
C1.1: Adjusted Millage Rates
H1: Pupil Progression Plan-BASIS Baton Rouge
K2: Resolution-Roll Forward Millage
C1.1: Adjusted Millage Rates
C1: Minutes
D3: Pupil Progression-East Baton Rouge Parish
D4: Pupil Progression Plan-BASIS Baton Rouge
C01: Minutes
G06: Athletic Training Service Agreement-Ochs
G10: Student Rights and Responsibilities Hand
C1: Policy-COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (
D4: MOU-Dual Enrollments (COW)
D5: Athletic Training Services Agreement-Ochs
D6: MOU-Pre-K (COW)
D7: Policy and Policy Revisions (COW)
D8: Contracts-Charter (COW)
D9: Student Rights & Responsibilities Handboo
C1-Meeting Minutes
H7-Contract: Illuminate Education
H9-2021 Healthcare and Ancillary Benefits
I1-Board Meeting Calendar
J1-ITEP Application-International Mezzo Techn
J2-Renaming of Lee High School
J4-2020-2021 Proposed Special Revenue Fund Bu
J5-2020-2021 Proposed General Fund Budget
J6-Resolution-East Baton Rouge School Board C
J8-Oversight Committee
J9-Oversight Committee Modifications
C1: Charter School Application: Louisiana Reb
C2: Charter School Application: Pathways in E
C3: Charter School Application: Supreme Chart
C4: Charter School Application: Louisiana Con
_COW: D2-Professional Services Contract-Feder
_COW: D8-2021 Healthcare and Ancillary Benefi
_COW: D8-2021 Healthcare and Ancillary Benefi
C1: Superintendents Contract
C1: Superintendents Contract
B1 Minutes
F1 Naming of Glen Oaks High Gym-Coach Harvey
F10 Approval of New Pre-K Position and Job D
F11 Aramark COVID-19 2020-2021 Supplies
F12 Policy Revision: CBA
F13 Resolution: Renaming of Lee High School
F14 2020-2021 School Board Calendar
F15 Superintendent Contract Extension
F16 Selection of The Superintendent
F2 Naming of Istrouma High Courtyard-Reginald
F3 MSAP Grant
F4 Professional Services Contracts-Federal
Town Hall Public Comment
G10: Superintendent Search Survey Report
G11: Selection of Superintendent Finalists
G6: Professional Services Contracts (Exceptio
G8: Revised 2019-2020 General Fund Budget
Banks Elementary Land Sale
Louisiana Recovery School District Facilities
Meeting Minutes
Professional Services Contract-Graduation All
Pupil Progression Waiver
Superintendent Search Virtual Interviews