Board Meeting Comments

Meeting 20240723

Meeting 20240723

B1: Superintendent Application Extension
Tania Nyman
07/23 06:13pm
I understand why the school board must engage in this revised superintendent selection process, but it is important to acknowledge that State Superintendent Cade Brumley's threat "to intervene" if the EBR School Board does not appoint a new superintendent by the stated deadline is yet another example of how the local democratic control of our school board is subverted. The laws create the illusion of democracy where none genuinely exists. I, for one, will continue to advocate for a genuine democracy, i.e. a democratic republic. Though we have never achieved this in Louisiana, it is worth fighting for. "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them,and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows,or with both.The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress"
Crystal Ellis
07/23 06:13pm
SSA Consultants was hired to facilitate this process. It is their responsibility to reach out to applicants and determine current interest. They need to do so with a sense of urgency.
Crystal Ellis
07/23 06:19pm
Well I’ll be damned. I agree with Gaudet.
Fairleigh Cook Jackson
07/23 06:20pm
I do not agree with the requirement that applicants have to have 5 votes to interview. I agree with Mr. Lanus that if a board member feels a candidate is qualified and wants them to be interviewed - they should be interviewed. It takes five votes to appoint - so that’ the same process being presented - so just do it tonight and not waste people’s time - if you have your pick (which it seems you do) vote on them tonight instead of pretending anyone else has a chance. Or only require two votes to move forward if you don’t feel one is adequate. I support Mr. Gaudet’s substitute motion to follow the original process.
Roshonda Hanible
07/23 06:29pm
I concur with first portion Mr. Martin's motion. Previous applicants should confirm their interest... whether they were a finalist or not. All applicants should be considered upon expressed.
Colleen Kissel
07/23 06:30pm
How do you not already know which old applicants are still interested yet? Did you forget you could email them? We've had a few days since the last meeting. Do better
07/23 06:38pm
Please consider if extending the application window would require us to publish the extension as an advertisement, and how that may effect the timeline of the process being discussed.
Roshonda Hanible
07/23 06:40pm
In the interest of time and moving things forward, there shouldn't be a vote on who advances forwarded to be interviewed. If they receive a recommendation from any board member, they should be entitled to an interview. If the applicant previously interviewed, consider waiving another interview.
Russell Nolan
07/23 06:41pm
Why are we opening this up to new applicants? 17 individuals already took the initiative 6 months ago to submit an application on time. A smaller group of these individuals were already - again I say, already - selected as semifinalists. Instead of starting anew from the ground up, work backwards from those who were already selected in the process. Find out first if they are still interested. For those of you on the board who are proud of your business record, it is an embarrassment due to the waste of time, resources, and human effort. Keep it simple. It is not fair for new applicants to short cut this whole process that was agreed upon by all.
Latoya Williams
07/23 06:50pm
An individual applying for a 6 figure position require more than 12 hours notice for an interview, background check, and reference check. Please stop gaslighting the community, parents, students, and applicants. At this point, a new position has been created for deputy superintendent. A plan has been discussed. Please just appoint individuals to the two positions. This process is becoming too complex with a 24 hour window.
07/23 06:53pm
Agency/Org: n/a
I wish y'all would get this done. I'm a product of EBR, one who started out in special ed who has a law named after me this parish has yet to implement dealing with the most fatal mental illness (nutrition) Act 626 of 2022 I've done my best to bite my tongue, but this search process is nothing short of dysfunctional and embarrassing. Get it together so Jeff Landry doesn't have to come do y'alls job for you. In this process, remember your manners. Thank you! PS: I kept straight A's in math b/c of Ms. Porter and her sacrifice to Dial A Teacher