Board Meeting Comments

Meeting 20240208

Meeting 20240208

Advertising for EBR Superintendent Position
Fairleigh Cook Jackson
02/08 04:11pm
I suggest deferring this item as it seems like putting the cart before the horse - the board needs to do the work to identify the needs of the district in a superintendent before advertising. Further there is no time sensitive reason to do this now.
Darla Landry
02/08 05:35pm
I support passing the motion to advertise for the superintendent, and we certainly hope you take the candidate who is already in the room. Please be mindful that we don’t need perfect, what we do need is consistency and up changing the leadership in central office, yet again will put us through another three years of turmoil and resistance. Regardless of the predecessor’s strengths, we cannot deny the damage as well. Please place this ad and do the right thing and ultimately give Mr. Smith the position full-time. Thank you.

C3: Policy Revision-Sick Leave Bank
Fairleigh Cook Jackson
02/08 03:23pm
Please vote in support of this policy. Our team members are amazing humans who deal with very real life situations. It is time we show them we value their dedication to our students by approving this long discussed sick bank. Allow them to keep the days donated to them and allow them to carry over the days to the following year for that specific team member. Also, days should be allowed to be used when needed, not only consecutively. It is time to value our educators and trust their value of one another as we trust them with our children everyday.