Board Meeting Comments

Meeting 20250109

Meeting 20250109

1-B1: Election of President
storm Matthews
01/09 05:03pm
I will say it all on this item because there is no way to know who is nominating whom with you all's new ridiculous commenting practices. You all may want to look back at the years under Mr. Gaudet and the mess and turmoil this board was embroiled in. The way this board was run and policies created made things very difficult for staff and superintendents. Ms. Steward is never here. She does not fulfill her board duties; how can she possibly be seeking more responsibility? She still has a year left of law school with an expected graduation date of January 26. She only went into her schools once or twice prior to new principals. I guess anyone that knew what an active board member was like was too much to be compared to. Coach is a great choice. Bellue might make me made on a regular basis but he never lies. Patrick you lost their confidence in doing too much. We fundamentally disagree on things, but I think you would sincerely work with Mr. Cole. I ran out of space.

D3: Contract Renewal: City of Baton Rouge
Storm Matthews
01/09 02:02pm
Being a teacher anywhere is dangerous work these days, and some schools are way harder to deal with than others. However, I just would like to say thank you to our Adult Ed department that goes in to do this work. You are appreciated, and it isn't lost on me. Be rejuvenated as you enter this next year of the contract.
Tranettea Williams
01/09 06:20pm
Please ensure literacy coaches are available for inmates. Let's analyze more data on demographics to assist the inmates. This program is needed to reduce recidivism and second chances to better our community.

D5: Alignment Guiding Principles
Storm Matthews
01/09 04:52pm
First and foremost, Stop calling it Realignment as you all are only doing it so that the families that this will affect will not be able to tell what you are doing. It is school closures. Item 1 would never be accepted from a teacher for students. What parameters would you gauge this on? I agree with the idea, but it is too subjective. Everyone thinks their school fits this. This timeline is not feasible for this board, community, employees, nor stakeholders. However, I might still be around to fight it. closing schools doesn't save that much money unless you're talking about the ones with less than 100 students.

D6: Resolution: ITEP
Storm Matthews
01/09 02:45pm
Mr. Cole. That's it that is the post.